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Beard N Balls Bundle

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Everything posted by Beard N Balls Bundle

  1. I usually can't stand listening to RJ's takes on Texas, but at least he is giving us some respect for once
  2. The suspense is killing me
  3. Andy Reid is the best offensive mind in football right now. This could be terrifying for defenses cool video. Thanks for sharing
  4. Pulled the trigger two days ago. Loving it
  5. Personally, being from Texas, Texas vs. Texas A&M is up there for me, especially since it is coming back. There’s an entire generation of kids who don’t know the rivalry, and I think it is huge for Texas football now that it’s back
  6. Really need Tarcario Davis now
  7. He came from the NFL
  8. We need some kind of contest where if Gerry loses then he has to sing this karaoke
  9. I think this may be my favorite one yet. This kid has had to do things that nobody else has had to face. Very impressive young man
  10. I think I heard he did 25 reps but I’m not 100% sure
  11. Continuing the trend of staffing NFL guys
  12. Do these outstanding combine performances have an effect on recruiting? Do 2025/2026 players track this kind of stuff?
  13. Sark has without a doubt proven to be an excellent evaluator of talent at all levels of the game. He’ll find a quality replacement and reload
  14. That’s something I was wondering. Do all of these great combine performances have any effect on recruiting?
  15. Was hoping to hear more hype about sydir Mitchell taking a bigger leap. Still time for him to improve. We need him to make that jump
  16. Maybe he’ll have his own shampoo line after this episode, Bert Plus
  17. I’m here for it Blake. Hook ‘em!
  18. Bert Auburn on 3rd & Longhorn
  19. We’ve talked a lot about individual players and what growth/development we want to see. But what kind of growth do we want to see from Sark next year as a head coach? For me, it’s game management and red zone offense. I also think he doesn’t need to be so rigid in sticking to the script if something isn’t working or something else is. For example, I don’t think Washington was showing any signs of stopping our run game and wish he would have called it until they proved they could stop it. What do y’all think?
  20. What do you see as far as his upside? How much weight can you see his frame holding?
  21. I really hope we get to see Bledsoe play up to the freakish talent he has
  22. Gerry, how much do you think Kenny baker can coach these guys up before the season starts?
  23. I’m glad majors came back. Having an extremely smart, experienced center and quarterback will be huge going into the SEC
  24. Simmons has freak genetics to be able to put on that kind of quality weight that fast. I’m jealous 😂
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