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Beard N Balls Bundle

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Everything posted by Beard N Balls Bundle

  1. He was hired as a result of the way and timing that Bo left. He had zero control over those circumstances and when he was brought in. The reality is that he was working uphill on every single recruitment because of those circumstances. To say it’s all on him is ludicrous and ignorant. It’s amusing that you think you have a better grasp of how recruiting works than people like Gerry and Bobby who have been in this industry as long as they have and who have both said the same thing about Baker. The thing about expectations is that they have to be realistic. If you think Baker was going to be dropped in the way he was and just win everything with zero prior relationships then you are not realistic in your expectations. You also don’t know what is going on behind the scenes on the NIL front. You don’t know what offers have been made in that regard in relation to the competition. These recruitments are multifaceted not binary. It’s not Kenny Baker or nothing. I have no idea why you’re not meeting the expectations or goals in your role.
  2. Not true in the slightest. Gerry said just this morning that we’ll most likely have a top 5 class. The question is will we fill our needs? Two things can be true at once
  3. Maybe sark can hire them and they can show sark and staff how to really recruit 🙄
  4. A season with solid play by our defensive line and a full recruiting cycle for Baker will solve a lot of our problems. Of course the caveat here is the solid play by our defensive line
  5. It wasn’t up to sark. LSU made an offer and Bo wanted to go back to Louisiana because of his son. Sark offered him a lot of money
  6. I’m suggesting that he has a lot of factors to overcome to win these guys and a short amount of time to do it. Pretty sure I made it clear in my original post. He was put in this position because Bo left the way he did
  7. I seriously do not understand why so many people are putting this on Kenny baker. He’s trying to persuade guys that have been building relationships with coaches for years when he’s been at Texas for a few months. If you expect him to just be able to swoop in and win all of these recruitments with very little time then your expectations are unrealistic and you do not have a grasp of how recruiting high school kids works. Give the guy a full season and recruiting cycle and then evaluate. Saying he can’t recruit at this level at this point in his tenure at Texas is just absurd
  8. This is true for football but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t apply to baseball
  9. Gerry has us on an emotional roller coaster today 😭
  10. Right after the sharma announcement? Blink if I’m right GH
  11. It’s unanimous across the industry then
  12. I’m going with Jamie French. Possibly Aidan Anding as well
  13. Wish Texas had the last visit but this staff knows what they’re doing on OVs. We need to keep these Texas kids in Texas
  14. I like the idea of vasek moving over. Good call
  15. I could see that in a couple of years but as a true freshman? I don’t know about that
  16. Wonder if he could move into sorrel’s spot
  17. This, Brandon Brown and nick brooks are the most intriguing to me. Gerry, do we have a legitimate shot here?
  18. Agree. Hopefully it's because of another successful season
  19. One has happened, Jackson Christian. Pretty sure Gerry said he believes there are 4-5 Hi’s
  20. I usually can't stand listening to RJ's takes on Texas, but at least he is giving us some respect for once
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