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Everything posted by 4thandFive

  1. Really interested to see Moore on the field. If our front can create some real pressure (not just simulated) and disrupt the plans of the other offense it feels like our backend is getting to a point in development and depth they can lock things down.
  2. I was kind of surprised Ndomakung Suh wasn’t on the “most hated” list.
  3. Great show guys. I thought Bobby had it and I was with Rod on 2018. #HookEm
  4. Pitchers & Catchers reported. It’s to defend the World Championship. #WentAndTookIt What do y’all think about the offense this year?
  5. I went OU. I know the “right” answer is Aggies, but I think OU is a bigger actual threat.
  6. Agree. I don’t get the love for Ohio State with Howard. They’ll be good, but #3? Guess we’ll see when they play Oregon.
  7. On top of talent putting them close to each other, the bromance with Sark & Lane, and both being in the SEC… I think Ole Miss in powder blues and Texas in stormtrooper whites would be amazing to watch. AND you’ve got the Manning and OleMiss angle. I’d love that game.
  8. I’m NOT saying that’s what the coach did OR that’s what other coaches do. BUT…this is exactly the reason why I support transfer portals for kids. Coaches can get a kid to buy in and then leave with no warning for greener pastures and the 17-19 year old kids have little recourse (and little sympathy from people who talk about them getting a “free education.”) Hoping Sark is really working on getting kids to play FOR Texas, not AT Texas. HookEm.
  9. @CJ Vogel “I hate losing. I hate losing even more than I want to win.” #PeaglePower
  10. I’m still an huge fan of you guys even though I know that. 😂 Blake’s wall makes up for it.
  11. I have no information or insight. But when has that stopped any of us from talking? Without a lot of money I wouldn’t want any of those fringe B10 schools. Can you imagine the flights and recruiting? I just don’t see West Coast fitting into that conference without major headaches.
  12. I’ve liked the Braves for a long time. I’d rather see them win than a whole bunch of other teams (*cough* the Astros).
  13. Wow. Does that seem like a good mix of offense with Day? RD has to take his shot now with Michigan down a HC and like 15 starters.
  14. *Mods, please delete if you don’t like or if a thread like this has been started already. Welcome all to a discussion of MLB. Baseball and NCAA Football are far and away my two favorite sports. The Texas Rangers are your world champions. How ‘bout that?! What do y’all think about the upcoming season and who do you pick for the 2024 World Series?
  15. Ehhh I’m curious to see if the score of the Ravens/Chiefs was more caused by Raven ineptitude or Chief defense.
  16. I bet somewhere north of 95% of our fanbase agrees…😔
  17. It will probably be Chiefs. You just can count out Mahomes. But I don’t really care…”my” team hasn’t won in almost 30 years. It’s in quotations because I root for them, but the NFL product is not nearly as attractive to me as MLB, NCAA football, & NASCAR. #HookEm
  18. I am hoping to see some increased force and consistency on the OL. Especially on the left side. Banks & Neto should be good.
  19. Not to bring up bad moments from 2023, but I wonder how much a taller WR would facilitate a different approach in RedZone scheme and available options.
  20. Bobby- what’s your gut tell you about how fast Wingo will see noticeable field time?
  21. Saban will be great. I love Saturday mornings from Sept-Nov and it just got better.
  22. Have we heard any rumors whether Sark was elevating Harris to GM regardless of Glasscock’s commitment and perhaps Sark “let” him to Ole Miss?
  23. That’s fine, we all won’t agree. I don’t see that we’ve stockpiled anything though. We’re having to be “in” on guys rather than re-loading like we’re doing on OL and WR.
  24. I have mixed feelings. I’m all Texas Rangers. I didn’t like Altuve because he played for a rival, but highly respected what he was capable of and his game. That was prior to how 2017 played out and the aftermath. Still, it’s awesome for that fanbase though. He might very well be the most famous Astro ever when it’s all said and done.
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