You guys missed the mark on this one. Herman was a member of Mensa >130 IQ. The average global IQ is 100. Two people whose IQ points are wider than 20 or 30 points will likely have communication problems as most effective human interactions happen within the 30-point communication range. Thus, all friendships, companionship, employment, hobbies, human relations with high school coaches, marriages etc. Consequently, when the intelligence difference between two people exceeds 30 points, communication will likely break up. The lower IQ person would not be able to fully understand the more intelligent person and vise versa. The low IQ individual would therefore perceive the higher IQ person as complex, unfathomable and, in bitter cases, a WEIRDO. The higher IQ person would not understand why someone would not understand their coherent and reasonable viewpoint. They see their standpoint as logical and justifiable, and would likely perceive the lower IQ person as a total Tom dullard.
And the tragedy continues. Individuals with an IQ of 160 will go along with people in the 130 to 190 IQ range. This people’s world is basically limited to just 2% of the whole population. As a result, it is hard to establish meaningful relationships, fitting into society and even getting a spouse or a meaningful relationship with Texas High School coaches.
People with extremely high IQ (145+) are likely to be perceived weirdos or Tom freaks by lower IQ but higher EQ people. They are not very effective in almost all human interaction. Also, they are likely to be extremely lonely. However, this loneliness might be mitigated by finding a passion in something. Many high IQ individuals become successful academics. A very high intelligent individual without meaningful work can have a lot of mental health issues.
See, it’s not Tom’s fault, he was just too intelligent for us to follow along in his greatness.