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Adam Lane

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About Adam Lane

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Lifetime Longhorn

Lifetime Longhorn (9/9)

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  1. AB is the exceptional antithesis of Mr. Cook.
  2. Meltdown forthcoming for sure...... 🤣
  3. Nothing from Georgia (just don't lose this weekend), but a large gain from Vandy...assuming they do not lose to Ball State.
  4. Thanks! I hate to keep bothering you. I know you are loaded up. If you provide the website, I would be happy to post it each week for you so you do not have to mess with it. 😊
  5. Blake, Is the new map available? I know we did not gain any territory, but, it is still fun to see all the other teams holdings. Vandy plays Ball State this week. If they win, we have a great opportunity for a BIG gain in territory....Have to keep our eye on the bal. and beat Georgia first!!! Thanks
  6. It is IMPOSSIBLE to spell DOUCHE...... without ou! Hook'em! 🤘
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