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Adam Lane

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Everything posted by Adam Lane

  1. Ugh! Payback time for softball loss for the sheep lovers....
  2. Man, I hate sweating these out. Especially, against opponents like the sheep boys. Come playoffs, we always seem to make it harder than it has to be.
  3. Absolutely! Our newest DL commit/Coleman #3 is likely to have something in place already and is a great example.
  4. All the best to the team! Stuck on a ferry back to Athens. Hopefully, Sark releases some of the commits to announce soon. I know they are holding to create momentum and put pressure on the targets they desire.
  5. It is tough, but I go along anyways..... 😎
  6. Met my wife on Santorini. So, we come often to see her parents and siblings.
  7. Good morning Blake! I will be there today.
  8. Blake, say hello to Gerry and Bobby for me this morning/my afternoon as I am in the Greek isles.....Sifnos, Greece with the family
  9. Funny, my wife is up at 4a to take her thyroid meds.....so here we are together.😊
  10. Blake, You never sleep!
  11. More like Orogbo's father committed Smith to the University of Texas! 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Just an interesting requirement for Dabo how he will have continue to even possibly make this work is by over recruiting. He will now have to sign more folks in his recruiting classes in anticipation of portal exits that occur after the signing period. Elsewise, he will likely enter the fall with less than a full roster via annual attrition. Additionally, this will force him to bring in more players of higher caliber.....not even remotely sustainable considering the competition/NIL.
  13. Blake, I believe we are witnessing the slow death spiral of Clemson football. Eventually, he we be outclassed talent-wise by his opponents. What is really concerning for Clemson is the current realignment landscape. Dabo may actually be destroying Clemson football on a permanent basis if he continues with this recalcitrance! This continued behavior could push the program to irrelevance and make Clemson substantially less attractive to the SEC or BIG 10. Clemson would essentially become what it was before Dabo.... another private university also ran. At that point it will be unable to compete and it will be virtually impossible to make up ground with major players both competitively and financially. With the musical chairs of realignment, there will only be so many places at the table and these conferences have no desire for a program that could ultimately be a drain with zero luster that will not attract veiwership (i.e. Baylor, TCU, etc.)
  14. Just remember..... You cannot spell douche without ou.
  15. Happy Birthday Gerry. Another May baby! Have a safe drive home.
  16. I sure hope it is Riley. That solidifies our LB core. It also would push one of the other guys ( Cunningham, Tagoa'i, etc.) to make a choice as we are only taking 3. this cycle. Gerry, Is Nasir Wyatt out of Mater Dei considered an LB in college or would he stay at edge?
  17. See..... This is what happens when you give $$$ in a super chat. Gerry immediately begins ignoring your questions 😂😂😂
  18. Sark may need to hold back so we do not have too many commitments! 5DLs, etc. Gerry, How do you think he will handle it? Certainly not first come, first serve..... Cherry picking?
  19. Goodness! Now that is a serious recruiting list. 😲
  20. Good for him. Hope he is immensely successful!
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