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Adam Lane

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Everything posted by Adam Lane

  1. He will have to answer to higher than the NY courts for that baby's life someday....
  2. Floridas State for sure ND or Oregon (despise both so I'm good!)🤣 Clemson Would not give Lincoln Riley the opportunity....once he leaves (which I am betting is after this season) then yes to USC Do not want to see Cal, UCLA, Maryland, Colorado (Just say no to Deion)
  3. Just Brutal!!! Napier, "Alright boys, GREAT week of preparation. We're absolutely ready for our butt kicking this week."
  4. Cannot wait to play the actual games. This season is going to be something else.
  5. I'm a MAN! A DUI MAN! 🙄
  6. Ya think!? Hahahaha. Pressure must be unreal at this point.
  7. Gerry indicated otherwise....
  8. Great interview of a great young man! Wanted this guys from the beginning. He is going to be something special if he really applies himself. SOOOOO much undiscovered/untapped potential!
  9. Family lost power for 10 hrs. in the Woodlands. Sister was still without power as of Monday evening.
  10. LOVE Faraimo. He is a thunder! Still....would have loved to pull all three (Barnes, Pettijohn and Faraimo)
  11. Texas, Okla, Alabama, Georgia, LSU, USC, Ohio St., Michigan, ND, Penn St.
  12. a bus is a bus is a bus Still can't make the 2 hours disappear!!! 🤣
  13. Travel to and from Eugene is a bear!
  14. Yea, but, winter and travel are really going to SUCK!!!! Wait until reality sets in this year. Eventually those future road trips to Rutgers and Penn State are going to hit home.
  15. Dude! The guy is still a top 100 (64 to be exact) player in the country.....
  16. BABY that is beautiful! A sea of burnt orange......my favorite color! 🤘
  17. Hopefully, that give us an in....
  18. They are just a LOT of fun! 😊
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