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Ace Recruiter

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  1. I bet you have some extensive yelp reviews about places you've eaten at
  2. I would wait before piling on. Sad if true, but let the facts come out first.
  3. Got mine and became all conference on the same day! Lifetime Longhorn, here I come.
  4. I just want to know what condiment you prefer on your corn dog and we'll take it from there...
  5. Not sure about the teams, but love for him to someday be on one of the top teams in the league and have a chance to win some hardware.
  6. Say what you will about QE3, but he left his heart on the field and was always a great representative of THE University. I wish him nothing but the best. God bless you #3. 🤘
  7. He's just mad Texas is back to back big 12 champs. At least this year he doesn't get to butcher Sark's name.
  8. I was at the game. About 80-85 percent ou fans. It was glorious watching them file out pissed and making excuses.
  9. You must have done some serious research. How do you know how old he is?
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