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Game of the Century

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Everything posted by Game of the Century

  1. Agreed. Sports is the toy department of life. His life is more important than being a football player. I don’t know Jontay Cook, so I can’t say what’s really in his mind. But I think too many football players think that football is all that defines them. I hope he figures out that is not true because it could be that football is now behind him.
  2. And they always will be as long as Jerry Jones or his family owns the team.
  3. Leaving the scene of an accident for a driver in Texas is a crime and it’s likely he will be charged. It’s very unfortunate. But at least no one got hurt.
  4. Now, that was legitimately funny.... because it is so true!
  5. When you have to rely on sources rather than your own eyes, there’s always gonna be conflicting reports. I spent more than two decades as a reporter. Sources are very useful and some are better than others, but everything they say comes with the grain of salt. Can’t wait for the spring game so I can see it with my own eyes and more importantly, Hamilton, Burton, and Vogel Vogel, can see it with their own eyes
  6. Ramonce Taylor was probably faster and more explosive. He was also a very dangerous as receiver out of the backfield. Rickey Looks to me to be a natural running back with great vision. Very smooth but not as fast. Very natural runner. I like him a lot.
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