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Everything posted by TarrantCoHorn

  1. I am reading Sark said they still might have scrimmages later in the spring after starting out more OTA style.
  2. I was there on Monday. Colt introduced Mack. He mentioned that he and Shipley were out riding horses freshman year and his got stuck in the mud and it was a whole ordeal. But it caused him to miss an etiquette class with Sally. He said he got there at the end and Sally was so mad she didn’t make him cookies until his junior year.
  3. Haha, Yormark. Please fight the sec and B1G. It will make it easier to only give you 1 spot in the expanded playoff.
  4. I was there and stayed the entire game 🤪
  5. Shocker. I am usually on the opposite side of every Pat Forde opinion so why would this be any different? Will not listen.
  6. He had no control so Schloss pulled after 6 hitters or so and 2 runs
  7. Lmao I stopped watching got a few minutes and we’re up by 7
  8. Frustrating inning, at least we tied it up
  9. If anyone finds a stream I’d appreciate it 🙏
  10. They somehow looked worse on TV than they do in pictures. I was flabbergasted yesterday.
  11. Run ruled Ole Miss, after beating Kentucky at Moody, and the stream is playing Colonel Reb is crying. My day is complete.
  12. Tre Johnson and Mark are trying to save Terry’s ass
  13. Anywhere to find a stream? I don’t want to pay $30 considering I had to miss last night and the first half of tonight
  14. Great pitching from the bullpen
  15. No thank you on the Baptist preacher vibes
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