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Jack Lala

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Everything posted by Jack Lala

  1. And it's Hump day with Hills.
  2. No Cook to replace him with.
  3. Your entire family is in the thoughts and prayers of the Longhorn family, Blake.
  4. I'm scared as hell of the Ags. I believe in Sark too. But the hogs and ags will be very difficult. If we were at home for those games I'd feel better. But if you've never experienced a game at either place I understand
  5. Obviously you didn't watch the entire game. No, he's not. Heck we have 3 better than him. Good kid, wouldn't play for us.
  6. Better straighten out our penalty issues, inconsistent Quinn and our sack problems, plus meed Better special teams play. Aside from those should be a breeze.
  7. Michael is a fine fine young man. He's a true Christian and if you have not seen his interview on 3rd and Longhorn, treat yourself. Amazing.
  8. Bless you my friend
  9. Then you are in His hands. Bless you my friend.
  10. That sucks. Trust in God to provide when it's darkest.
  11. Love the sooner melt down. Simply awesome. Enables is like a lot of defensive minded head coaches. They don't understand offensive football aside from knowing how to defend it.
  12. Horns 34 to 13.
  13. Haha I give up on auto correct.
  14. Hook email Bobby. Wish I could be there.
  15. Is it possible to just put them all on the field?
  16. Darn, an honest goober. Didn't know that existed.
  17. Poor goobers. I thought the Vols took it easy on them.
  18. And Brenda, I applaud your message immensely. But note that almost all the women's coaches have been featured on OTF and 3rd and Longhorn. Plus a few players. I do note that now that football has started, most of the attention is in football. It is On Texas Football after all.
  19. Blake is so proud.
  20. Geez, it almost makes you sympathetic. Sorry, lost my mind for a moment
  21. When I was teaching at A&M, I had students every year tell me they tried to get into Texas but couldn't. So they went there for a year and would transfer.
  22. Yep, getting tougher and tougher.
  23. For me, it was how disappointing Herman turned out to be. But he did give us a wonderful wonderful gift. SARK!
  24. Totally agree. Aside from seeing how our secondary was going to play, tackling was a huge question mark for me.
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