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Realist Horn

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About Realist Horn

  • Birthday 01/18/1976

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All-American (7/9)

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  1. from your lips to God's ears
  2. Correct - I’m dating myself with Fenves.
  3. With Fenves going there as president, will he make a move for Del Conte?
  4. Does this kid overly celebrate made PATs?
  5. never mind, it came to me - Jason Higdon, or something like that.
  6. Too soon bro, too soon!
  7. "The who is always easier than the when" - who was the Mod that use to say that during the Strong era, he'd give lottery numbers, etc.? I think he was with Inside Texas.
  8. https://www.nba.com/news/why-2023-24-celtics-are-elite-team
  9. They made the finals last year and lost to one of the greatest teams all time. He’s 25 years old.
  10. Probably cutting costs after paying/losing $35M for the natty.
  11. That traded would get VETO’ed in most fantasy leagues. How the Mavs didn’t hold out for multiple (thinking 3+) is beyond me. I don’t think the shopped him to anyone else. Cuban would have never let this happen
  12. Man, if I am Choice, I’m waiting for a coach who has more skins on the wall and who won’t be gone in a year or two.
  13. First live in-show commitment ??? If not, it’s coming, right?
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