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Everything posted by bierce

  1. Texas up 2-0 and tied at 4 in the third set. Skinner has had few chances but has been unstoppable. 10 kills in 11 swings. Too bad she has a bunch of service errors.
  2. Qb getting smeared chucks up a prayer, and it lands in the hands of a receiver. Luck beats skill.
  3. Take the gifted points to go up 13? No. Try a trick play and have it blow up.
  4. Try starting last year 5-3.
  5. Polls matter in late September? You know what I want? I want to beat UGa in DKR. I want to beat UGa in Atlanta in the SEC Championship Game. I want to make it a three-peat in the playoffs. Who cares whether UGa is 1 or 2 when we play in Austin?
  6. Texas--eleventy billion Miss State-- f* all Can you really put numbers on a game like this?
  7. We were really weak blocking tonight, and this wasn't Singletary's best match at all as a blocker, but she has been terrific this year and will have a great career for us.
  8. Halter and Singletary split MVP. Kahahawai had a good match.
  9. Match point thanks to A&m goof on service return. Net violation. A&M challenge. Obvious violation on Agroid hitter. Service ace. Match. AND WHAT IS IT ABOUT BALDNESS IN VOLLEYBALL COACHES?
  10. Challenge upheld. 23-20. Off Agroid pinky.
  11. We haven't had the dominant blocking we have had in many matches, and Skinner and Wenaas are hitting a combined .050 or so. Kahahawai goes long. 22-21. Challenge Texas about touch.
  12. Lednicky gets one through a block. 21-18. Another way long serve. 22-18. A&M off block on opposite side. 22-19. Wenaas with wild serve return, set back to her by Skinner from back row, hits into a block. 22-20.
  13. Halter with beautiful one arm dig, but A&M got the point. 18-15. Skinner in positive figures with great crush to the corner. 19-15. A&M middle hit leads to block error by Singletary, but she makes up for it with a complete bomb. 20-16. A&M returns the bomb from the middle. 20-17. Serve way long. 21-17.
  14. Kill Rutherford on reverse opposite (lefthander on left side). 17-14. Dink by Skinner. 18-14. Skinner now hitting .000
  15. Rutherford with kill after a great dig by Halter. 16-13. Service error by Swindle. 16-14. Challenge by Texas. ball was way out.
  16. Texas up 15-13 in the fourth set. Skinner still hitting in negative numbers.
  17. Awful. 25-14. Skinner is hitting -.167 with only 2 kills to 4 errors in 12 swings.
  18. Better than our -.081 so far in the second set. A&M up 23-14.
  19. Complete reversal this set. Texas with a lot of attack errors and dug a 17-8 hole.
  20. Rutherford hit long after Halter made another great dig on a crosscourt shoto. Ames off the block after a long rally that included a great save by Halter. 21-12. A&M with middle kill. 21-13. Skinner with a kill that Agroid back row player dug into stands. Singletary/Kahahawai block. 23-13. A&M dink from middle after long rally. 23-14. So announcer says A&M getting momentum for second set. Singletary with kill. 24-14. so much for momentum. Another middle kill for A&M. Only thing working for them. 24-15. Serve rolls over tape. 24-16. Kahahawai off block. 25-16. Texas hit .323. A&M hit .057.
  21. Kahahawai off the block. 17-8. A&M off the block. 17-9. A&M middle dump. 17-10. SErvice error. 18-10. Swindle back in. A&M off block. 18-11. Finally see a Rutherford swing. It was awesome. 19-11. A&M way long. 20-11. Timeout Agroids.
  22. Singletary block. 13-5. A&m blocked again but recovers and gets middle kill. 13-6. Skinner blocked hitting opposite 13-7. Singletary beat one through block in the middle. 14-7. Singletary/Wenaas block. 15-7. A&M middle hitter hit it into the net. 16-7. Wenaas blocked. 16-8.
  23. Carlson ace with agroids screaming when she served. 11-5. Two middle shots fail by A&M and strong side swing went long. 12-5. Cruising.
  24. Huge save by Halter after Wenaas overpass was crushed bback at Texasa. Skinner got the kill. A&M got the next point on Opp side kill. 9-5. Service error 10-5.
  25. Blocking error maybe? 7-3. Long, long rally ended with an overpass by A&M that Wenaas pushed to the back row. 8-3. Service error by Wenaas. 8-4. Skinner now in.
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