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Dread-headed Texan

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About Dread-headed Texan

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First Round Pick

First Round Pick (8/9)

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  1. Keep talking down on them devils
  2. Tech you sorry mfers go back to Lubbock and throw yout tortillas
  3. I knew Tech was gonna wet the bed. SMH!
  4. Stop playing Tech, we Duke fans need you to drop Florida off.
  5. If Duke beats Bama, they're gonna cut down the nets.
  6. If Florida takes the L and Duke beats Bama, is there any team left with enough size and 3 pt shooting to beat Duke? I don't think so, but qe gotta beat Bama first.
  7. This game is getting a little hairy
  8. Lol i think it's time to switch to the ladies. If I'm going a blowout it might as be one with attractive ladies playing.
  9. Lol Mizzou is not serious about baseball
  10. 3 innings 3 long balls 4-0 good guys
  11. https://www.youtube.com/live/2UZ0SFPfQUA?feature=shared
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