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Dread-headed Texan

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  1. YouTube premium is worth it if you're someone like me who uses YouTube a lot.
  2. I share the same sentiment as BigaMac, my original username was DoubleQuarterPounderNoOnionsLargeFriesAndALargeSprite
  3. The NFL doesn't take a lot of deep passes throughout the game. There's time when they're dialed up but guys aren't running undressed in the secondary ln the NFL like they are in college. In the NFL most passes are 0-20 yards. It's not the throws that's going to hinder Quinn in the NFL, it's going to be pocket awareness and coverage.
  4. I hope Texas walks out the tunnel like: MMMMUUUUUUSSSSSSSTTTTTAAAARRRRDDDD! LOL IYKYK
  5. This is the best offense Texas has faced, this is the best WR Texas has faced, this is the best QB Texas has faced, this is the best running game Texas has faced, this is the most explosive offense Texas has faced. It's about time this Texas defense stop getting doubted🤘🏿
  6. Zachary Brach you know you wanna play your last year with Sark and Arch
  7. I'm far from a kid I'm 45 years old and have been places, done things, and witnessed things you probably never will. You don't have to interact with every opinion you don't agree with. It's OK to scroll past. If you say, well aren't you doing the same. No, I'm not, I'm responding huge difference.
  8. I don't care how much this game is pushed by the grey hairs you can not make me look at this as a rivalry. I wanna win because it is a game on the schedule not because they're Arkansas🤷🏿‍♂️
  9. I'm not accusing anyone of boxscore scouting or just watching highlights but how many here have actually watched play a full game or two? They are the most two steps forward one step back teams that I've ever seen. And when when they take a step back it's a huge step. They don't finish in the redzone because again Green is very inaccurate in condensed spaces and when things happen fast. And boy that secondary may be one of the worst we see all year. Landon Jackson is good but he ain't beating Cam or Banks off the edge and their linebackers are lost in coverage. So I'm not going to over think this one, make Green throw from the pocket, hit and sack him a lot, and the score will be 28-7 by halftime and they can run it up the middle all they want.
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