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  1. Might not be that hot of a take, but while Texas (or any SEC job) has more resources and leverage because of football money, some solely basketball schools (because of history and wins) are still better head coaching jobs than Texas.
  2. I don’t even think this is a homer take. Vince Young is the best college QB to ever play the game. He should be number one. He willed a team to a championship against a star studded team with 2 Heisman players and 28 NFL players that was probably one of the greatest dynasties ever in college football at its height.
  3. Was so hoping I wouldn’t have to root against her. Oh well. 🤷. She would have complemented with her 3 point shooting nicely. Now she can try and carry a whole team. So long
  4. To be fair, it’s innocent until proven guilty. He might just be bad a parking.
  5. Some of these big time programs were NIL wink, wink, before NIL. Alabama in football, Kansas in basketball, and while we might have had our indiscretions at Texas as well, we weren’t outright cheating with no consequences like other places (especially SEC football, and blue blood basketball centric schools). Enter legal NIL, and of course playing field is leveled. And now people will complain about the rich getting players legally when it was done for years while cheating by other programs. Screw them
  6. Loins have ungirded in last few days.
  7. No, Indiana cares more, and still has lore. And Scott Drew isn’t going to leave Baylor for any job. Never was
  8. I want to say he took on the road recruiting role and helped greatly land #1 class. Much desired raise and was probably underpaid before .
  9. No and no, but Rodney Terry, if let go, is about guaranteed a successful stint at his next gig. If I was another team looking for a coach I would play the probabilities and hire him.
  10. I think the “just didn’t like football” is definitely overlooked sometimes. Kids can come up and have elite testing and measurables and just not be a football player. There aptitude or drive is not bent to the sport.
  11. 1. Yes 2. Yes, I will always root for success for Texas teams. I hope Johnson. Pope, and Mark catch fire shooting 3s in the tourney like Blanks,Mays,and Wright.
  12. Florida is a really good team. Nice win
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