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Drunk randoke

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  1. Let’s get a run here and make 9 easier
  2. Survive the inning and regroup. Let’s finish
  3. I was hoping the kid would have a good outing
  4. She’s a great coach and a terrible person. Her punch them in the face comment was all I needed in that regard.
  5. She’s a competent coach and a terrible person. Been many of those.
  6. Not a huge basketball fan but love Vic after seeing him on coffee and football a couple of times. And I detest Mulkey. Beating that punk twice in one season is beautiful
  7. Ditto I dare say. I was a country boy. Tiny ass town.
  8. What a way to spend a day for you lol
  9. Yes SEC news was the tits. And lol at aggy thinking they could do anything. I have my acceptance letter framed. This school is my religion in every facet
  10. President flying to Tulsa for an OC. One of many nails in Charlie’s coffin
  11. Good stories. Yeah that band performance was something. I’m glad our University is so classy.
  12. Man I loved Augie. Glad we got our b next great one. Great story man
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