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About MrWytee

  • Birthday 06/09/1978

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  1. Much like Charlie Strong..... RT is a great guy... But not the guy for Texas... Hook'em 🤘 🤘 🤘
  2. Ryan Day has been out coached by Sherone Moore 2 years in a row ..Texas by 6
  3. I counted 10 holding no calls.... Those big ten refs were not the same as SEC refs
  4. I am not saddened by OU's.demise.... hope Brent gets a 10 year extension... Hook'em 🤘 🤘
  5. Sark don't lose those he wants to keep .. Hook'em 🤘 🤘 🤘
  6. Good luck kiddo.... Hook'em 🤘 🤘
  7. Ok ... Cool.... Hook'em 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘
  8. I would like to see an angry, motivated offensive line dominate the trenches.... Hook'em
  9. Great work Gerry.... hook'em
  10. How many outstanding Hi's do we got Gerry? Great work , and thanks for all you and the boys do.
  11. So.... Uhhh.... SARK still on that heater?
  12. Hook'em
  13. Great work Blake .. Hook'em
  14. Great news.... Hook'em
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