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  1. I think Jalen Hurts is the better comparison.
  2. They're not delusional though IMO......they are, however, stupid.
  3. That’s what they want you to think when the pull out the super double secret reverse visit!!!!!!
  4. Texas went all in on MF but it was always a long shot to land him so Pettijohn went to the school that treated him as priority. Seems like a miscalculation at the time and even right now in hindsight.
  5. Aggies Volunteers Utes Would be my top 3. I feel like our fanbase is somewhere in the 4 to 5 range because we are an absolute beating on Twitter.
  6. Faraimo has always been clearly ND.
  7. Depends on Kelshaun from the way it sounds.... Jackson wants him but I think Sark/Banks are more focused on Johnson(giggity) He 100% wants to flip to us.
  8. To be fair we haven’t played a game yet where we needed to bring it with blitzes, that includes smacking Michigan. I’d like to see our success rate when we do.
  9. To be fair you have to be a basically a god to live up to Texas player preseason media hype.
  10. There we have it, Sark was worried about Bama/UGA and not Miss St game and that's why we were so sloppy. /s
  11. I wish I could say that it's something that goes away but I've been hoping this issue would go away for a few years now lol.
  12. Please stop illegal snapping and I'll be happy.
  13. So you’re going to disregard everyone else FSU hit on that got them to be undefeated last year and a Jordan Travis injury away from a playoff?
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