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About HudGar1922

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  1. i would bet that most of the nil deals are for the year or at least the season? that would be interesting to know
  2. 2 straight years inside the 15 yard line to tie or win and we didn’t get job done
  3. yeah til sark quits getting raises amd starts sowing us offensive genius we keep extending him for
  4. the national championship teams just got their with first year qbs. sark is complaining from the yacht but hasn’t earned the yacht except for his contracts
  5. just sad that our offense held us back 2 years in a row from a national championship game with out offensive guru coach. ok is holding up his parting the deal
  6. shows us we need a dynamo rb, te, and better c/g play. we need learn how to fight in a sandbox next
  7. and beard has ok miss ranked and doing well and meanwhile we probably don’t make the ncaa tournament
  8. weaver scores 6-8 points a game, lack of top flight pg is again on the coaches recruiting, rebounding is coaching so fail there.
  9. so your saying our highly paid head basketball coach isn’t recruiting winning players to the program and that he is doing a poor job of coaching the players he has up. got it
  10. he is on year three and his teams commits turnovers at an alarming rate. look inept on offensive like there is no offensive gameplan. he creates no juice for the program.
  11. @Gerry Hamilton who would be on the shortlist of basketball coaches in your opinion? we can’t continue to ride this stale coach and staff we look inept
  12. rodney terry has no business being the head coach of our basketball team it’s embarrassing
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