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  1. I'd be down , better situation (by a little) than the browns and all the other garbage teams he met with
  2. Feels like two teams with opposite trajectories right now
  3. Interesting, I have heard July 1st, 2025 as the effective date staffs are planning for, every single NIL contract from the end of season to now was created with acting on the basis that the revenue sharing money would be on hand by then. Could blow up in everyones face, no collective (even onefund) would survive that happening.
  4. With revenue sharing (if it goes into effect) taking over most of money providing for football, I think if there was a time to shift more additional money into basketball , post april (final approval hearing) would be the time to do so.
  5. The SEC was supposed to be the big tough kid on the block of college athletics, but between this and the pearl clutching reaction during the schloss hire , its still the best conference in most sports but man are some of them huge whiners
  6. Bama mods saying the only job he would leave for is kansas
  7. Who are first 3 calls you would make ?
  8. finley?
  9. Infinite money glitch for arch
  10. Saw he was supposed to visit A&M soon, interesting to see where else he visits
  11. If house doesn't pass for 25 there might be 8000 portal entrants in the spring, so many teams have built their payouts to recruits and portal incomers on rev sharing. Sh*t would absolutely hit the fan, no program even the elite NIL ones would be immune from a massive portal exodus
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