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About Bevo72

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  1. keep up the good work, might add during the show the next games times and TV Scheule for those games
  2. Born in Pennsylvania, move to SATX in early 60"s, Thomas Jefferson grad class 68, UT Class of 72. Living in KC area with second home in Georgetown, TX. Football season ticket holder for many years!
  3. Great hire Bobby, getting better each and every day. Growing the business! Hook em
  4. I'm really old. I was a JR at UT when we beat Notre Dame in the Cotton bowl. Did you know that was the first bowl game the Irish played.
  5. Some folks are saying our game vs Clemenson this weekend will be the biggest and most important game at DKR since Dec 5 1970. I was a UT student at the time and attended that game. We had a goal stand in the second Q and we never look back. Beating the HOG 49- 7 I checked the stats of the game it was incredible, that our QBs Eddie Phillips and Donnie Wigginton were 3 0f 5 for 53 yards, our FG Kicker Happy Feller missed two kicks. Check these stats, wow Thought you guys might enjoy seeing the rushing stats from the Wishbone back in the day. Hook Em BEAT the TIGERS https://stats.texassports.com/custompages/sports/m-footbl/archive/stats/70/ut-ark.htm
  6. Great turn out at super venue. Thanks Bobby putting it together.
  7. Doesn't get any better than OU and UT in October at Fair Park
  8. My favorite Longhorn would be Freddie Steinmark. Undersized player with a lot of heart. His story was a inspiration to me that I have never forgot.
  9. Question for Bobby, A few months ago you made a comment on your podcast that the final dollar amount for UT exiting Big 12 early would be close to zero. Could you elaborate on that further on how that happen? And also, do we know what the exit fee would be for OU?
  10. Looking forward to this, keep up the good work Hook em
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