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Everything posted by dfwHorn

  1. And my guess is we only hear about the half of it. I can’t imagine the amount of BS these coaches go through just to get a class over the line.
  2. I’d recommend for this faint of heart, ignore recruiting all year until signing day and see how things went, my guess is you will be happier. It’s going to be a roller coaster every year from now on.
  3. While I don’t want to lose anyone, I think Lacey would be least impactful to future success given Bell is signed up for the following year and there is rumor of Manning staying more than a year more.
  4. To be fair, it feels like flips are happening all over the place, everyone is losing recruits, we just need to make sure we pick up our fair share of flips to compensate for the loses.
  5. At a certain point, a guy has to want to be a Longhorn, and if they don’t, then fine, go elsewhere. We want guys who want to be here, not guys we just won the bidding for.
  6. I will agree that you can’t just buy championships, look at that famed A&M #1 recruiting class, how did that go for them? with that said the significance for me is just that it ups the ante, Texas can and will be a player in NIL, but others are clearly stepping up their game.
  7. Classy response, I wasn’t over reacting at all, even asked if people thought it was something or not… sounds like you might need to get a life.
  8. My understanding was it’s a salary cap from the universities to players but NIL was still wide open. If that’s the case it doesn’t change a ton. also yes, Texas is always going to be one of the richer schools, but to suggest we don’t need to pay attention to what others do and that a whale like Larry Ellison can just come rolling in and it’s in consequential is ignorance.
  9. We all sort of knew this would happen, it feels like the ante is only going to go up from here, it’s not going to be who is richest, but also whose donor base is most motivated…
  10. Something? Or Nothing?
  11. There is just no way you can strategically try and lose the A&M game. From a recruiting perspective it may be the single most important game we have on our schedule given how many recruits we go head to head on. go play as hard as you can and let the chips fall where they may.
  12. I would imagine some of these guys wanted them public so they can negotiate bigger NIL deals. It really makes me wonder how many of these surprise pop up visits were actual interest, or guys just trying to get a last bit of leverage.
  13. The home schedule is weak in terms of marquee games other than A&M
  14. It is definitely possible, however the concern is if you lose to A&M there is a risk that you are potentially left out due to not having any statement wins, I think it’s unlikely a 10-2 Texas gets left out, however it’s by no means impossible.
  15. My guess is though if this were to happen it would be after the NFL season, thus Moore would already be enrolled and on campus at Oregon. Not that he couldn’t then transfer, but it’s less likely.
  16. Long story short, to make SEC Championship game: Must win out to make CFP: win out: guaranteed 1 loss: 50/50 shot, unless it’s the SECCG 2 losses: Out.
  17. From what I gather they won’t tell you what you might need to donate, the ambiguity makes people donate more I guess. I’m just trying to decide if it’s worth it, but I suppose the first question is how much do I have to give to get the ball rolling? $1,000? $2k? $5k?
  18. Question for anyone who might know, how many loyalty points (roughly) does one need to start getting season tickets and not be waitlisted?
  19. Speaking specifically to A&M I don’t think UT can watch that game and replicate that, we don’t have the run game or the mobile QB that they have. A&M consistently delivered a good if not great pass rush, the Gamecocks were just regularly able to avoid sacks and turn it into a positive play because of Sellars ability to run, Quinn doesn’t have that, in fact in most scenarios he’d have been sacked or thrown an Int. no doubt about it, if we want to win in Clown Station we will have to Pass Protect really well.
  20. This will be interesting to keep up with, we should have a lot more clarity in the next two weeks given some of these 0 and 1 loss teams will square off head to head.
  21. I would imagine if NIL is a major factor then at least rough figures would have been discussed. My guess is they set it as, “why don’t you come in, let’s see if it’s a fit, and if it is, then we can discuss the numbers” there is no reason for him to visit if say $1m/yr is his number and Texas’s response was no way.
  22. Really bad look, but you have to presume he did it to setup one of his guys to get the gig.
  23. Going dark has never worked for me unfortunately, curiosity always gets me. Have it on your phone and just keep an eye on it.
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