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Tim Longoria

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About Tim Longoria

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  1. Born in Seguin, but lived in San Antonio, El Paso, and Las Cruces , NM before moving back and graduating from Judson. Now living in Geronimo in between Seguin, New Braunfels, and San Marcos.
  2. I feel like you can't. Obviously you don't want your qb to run all the time, but being able to extend a play, or go get yards when the play breaks down, that puts stress on a defense. Even Quinn showed it sporadically, when he was able to take off and run.
  3. He should have to do those dumb "pushups" as well 😂😂
  4. Yeah I can back that up. He's pretty active on there as well as active w people that tweet at him. Even saw your conversation, Joe, congrats for the tickets, man!
  5. As a fan, it was James Brown and Ricky Williams for me. Once I started playing and became a tight end, it was all about Bo Scaife and David Thomas. Thomas had a hell of a game in the National Championship, and I still remember the play where he ran his route, slipped and fell, but still got up enough to make the catch.
  6. So your complaint is that Helm was a bad blocker and your solution is to replace him with a worse one...
  7. This. They'll run with the whole "Kellen and Dak got along so well before, it's only natural" schtick
  8. Glad Mcdonald got some love, he was in there mixing it up
  9. That's great. But Major isn't walking through that door, is he?
  10. And you KNOW all of the Bama fans are screaming "We lost to THIS team?!?"
  11. Anything more than 8 teams is rediculous. As I said before on Twitter, I understand that teams like Ole Miss and Alabama feel like they should've been in after those games we saw, but frankly, if your program has 3 losses, and some of those losses are BAD, you shouldn't have any say in determining the champion.
  12. Dude busted out a manifesto over a high school senior. Yep, definitely handling it well lol.
  13. Brother its cold. Aint nothing hanging right now lol
  14. Bro, the amount of f bombs I dropped when that news came out...but I gotta say that offseason went exactly how I figured it would
  15. I know this is Longhorns related but man, my Cowboys could really use Jeanty. Knowing Jerry, he'll fudge it up
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