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About BurntOrangeCrush

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  1. Thank you for all the updates for those of us that can't access the game. Much appreciated
  2. Born in Corpus. Dad was a coach. Moved to Odom, then Floresville, then Amarillo where Dad coached at Amarillo High. College at ATX, now in Lubbock for the past 22 years. My neighbors don't like me very much with my UT items at the house : )
  3. 4th and 13 for sure. I had my hand on the remote ready to turn the TV off before the snap on that play
  4. Dang it Blake. Yes, I thought is was a commitment. I live here in Lubbock and have seen her play some games, as my daughter goes to Frenship. Best player I have ever seen, by far.
  5. I was born a Longhorn, and attended UT in the 80's. My Dad played basketball and met my mother on campus. My Uncle played baseball at UT and met my aunt on campus. I grew up with Aggie joke books for gifts on my birthday, and have always hated A&M, OU and Arkansas. It's in my blood. My first favorite player was QB Marty Akins, and I can remember me and Dad watching them play on our 13" black and white TV. Earl Campbell came along later, who is my favorite Horn of all time. My Dad let me start dipping Skoal when I was playing little league baseball when I was 12 because of the Earl commercials in the 70's. Proud to say I have never turned my back on UT sports regardless of the bad runs we have had over the years, the latest being 2010-2023. Hook 'em!
  6. Never mind, wrong poll
  7. She plays here in Lubbock and I saw her play against my niece. I have never seen a better girls basketball player. She is amazing. She put up 50 that night.
  8. Hey Elijah, I am afraid the NCAA will not be able to explain why aTm has only played in 2 championships since WWII
  9. Happy Birthday Gerry!
  10. Nice interview, thanks guys
  11. A&M was successful at making the other schools feel better about themselves
  12. Same for me, but just leave mine alone, no big deal
  13. I'm in! First time I have joined a site like this. Love the content and the amount of work all of you put into this. Look forward to the updates.
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