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  1. Agree with this post. Tennessee wandered in the wilderness for so long I don't think they'd let Heupel go so easy. They'd just money whip him to stay, if they had to. I think Heupel may still hold some bitterness about how things went down wiith himself and OU. I think he's pretty happy with his set up in Knoxville.
  2. Horns pitch a shut out Texas 53 MSU 0
  3. I just purchased the year. At no point did the process ask for my screen name. I have no way of seeing where it says I'm a paying member. How can I confirm this?
  4. Something else to add . . . Donnie Lawrence was the head coach for Mt Pleasant in the early 70s. Above, I mistakenly said Daingerfield's coach (Buddy Humphrey) was the one who got arrested. Instead, it was Lawrence who ended up in handcuffs. I was at that game but was only 7-8 years old at the time. Later, I became a journalist and at one point went to work in the San Antonio area running a newspaper. I would always volunteer myself to our sports editor on Friday nights and he would just send me where he wanted me. One Friday night, he sent me to Kerrville to cover the Tivy-New Braunfels Canyon game. About halfway through the game, I was browsing the game program and noticed Tivy's head coach was none other than Donnie Lawrence. After the game, which Canyon won, I visited the Tivy locker room. I interviewed Lawrence. Once I had what I wanted, I then asked him about his time in Mt Pleasant. I then told him I was from Daingerfield. At that point, he looked up at me and smiled and said "yeah, we had some doozies back then. Despite the tempers and punches, both teams played very good football."
  5. Back in the day, Mt Pleasant and Daingerfield used to be quite a rivalry. In the 70s, Daingerfield had climbed to AAA (now AAAA) after winning the AA state title in 68. Daingerfield had a string of district titles for the first couple of years in AAA. Mt Pleasant's program had been down for a few years but was on the rise during the early 70s. The towns are only 18 miles apart. One year, 1972 I believe, Daingerfield and Mt Pleasant were both undefeated and met for the district title at a game played in Daingerfield. It was standing room only, with about 7-8K people on hand. Late in the game, Daingerfield was leading 14-12. Mt Pleasant began moving the ball, using the pass. As they passed mid field, their QB threw a pass that was a toss-up for the intended receiver and Daingerfield's defensive back. Both players came down with the ball but the DF player ended up having sole possession. That play was the end for MP as time was quickly running out and they had just lost possession to DF. The MP players and DF players began jawing it up on the field, then some punches were thrown and once that happened, the sidelines emptied. People were trying to go down from the stands to join in the melee. Daingerfield's coach was arrested, the DF QB got hit over the head with a coke bottle, it was a real mess. Both police and sheriff deputies stormed the field. The refs couldn't do a thing and just called the game. The game set the tone for the years to come. DF had a down period through the mid 70s and MP would just pound them. Then DF got good again in the late 70s and took back the rivalry advantage. They then dropped down to AAA in 1983. I played for the last Daingerifled team to be in class AAAA. We beat MP that year 21-0 in a sleet storm. Literally nobody in the bleachers after halftime. The two team do not play these days. Daingerfield, reliant on Lone Star Steel for so many years, began a population decline in '83 once Lone Star Steel began significant lay-offs. LSS is closed today. Mt Pleasant kept growing. Daingerfield got smaller. So the game no longer makes sense for either program.
  6. And of course, how many Dairy Queens does the town have? lol
  7. Being from a very small town in Texas myself, I beg to differ. I could not wait to get out of the country and see what's out there. And the chicks, too. I don't think athletes care what the town politics are as long as it doesn't affect them. Nobody cares how liberal Austin is. Nobody cares how conservative dead dog town is.
  8. I remember 49-0. Do you remember the other two years' scores? I don't either. I don't think the first year was a fair representation of what's being said here. We're simply not that team anymore, thank God. Mack routinely put together top 10 classes and routinely finished ranked #15. OU doesn't recruit their needs very well.
  9. You left out ou sucks. Disappointing season because of defensive minded head coach. Lost bowl game. Has an unproven QB who didn't exactly strike fear into anyone during spring game. Defensive minded head coach has no real answer on offense. I would imagine any recruit of theirs has to see that.
  10. Agree. II'm not sure Lacey was all in, even though he did recruit for us some. But he was contemplating visits to other places not so long ago.
  11. He probably just farted.
  12. Poor babies, can't coach an outstanding athlete even though the college ranks had no problem doing the same.
  13. I think Russel has the higher ceiling and he's a player who has some "dog" in him.
  14. I think Russell might have the higher ceiling. Take both and see if one wants to leave?
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