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  1. I'm thinking Luka will probably pack in 15k-20K calories during the Super Bowl while Mavs fans think about what they're missing.
  2. I saw more missed dunks and missed layups in three games yesterday than I've seen in 300 games over thirty years.
  3. Every NBA champion is elite, That doesn't make them one of the greatest of all time. What are we talking about? Furthermore, I don't give a damn what a media outlet says.
  4. Elite ain't one of the greatest all time. Get a grip.
  5. Fat boys says: We talkin about pratice.
  6. NBA media and fans are by far the dumbest set of both on the planet.
  7. Drew might be ready to rethink his situation.
  8. The first ten minutes of last night's game was embarrassing. Just another straw.
  9. Hard to see the freshmen taking snaps from Burke and Vasek. Does this mean Vasek's injury is likely to keep him out?
  10. Fat boy Luka ain't Bird.
  11. We all need to pray for Johntay. I hope gets right and makes the NFL.
  12. Well said. This reminds me of the Sixers with Iverson, who at least won an illegitimate MVP. Got lucky and made a Finals run. The fanbase loved Iverson because of the highlight crossover and tremendous athleticism. Problem was, he was a terrible leader because he didn't like to "practice" and was therefore inconsistent most of the time in clutch situations. Meanwhile, Kobe (who was drafted the same year 1996) loved to "practice" and won three straight titles while Iverson couldn't decide to work hard enough. Kobe had Shaq. True, but he worked; and he worked his way to titles without Shaq. History proves you better drop the putzes who don't want to work. The Lakers are the idiots here.
  13. The virtue signaling among Mavs fans on this deal is amusing. The guy is twenty-five years old and you haven't been able to convince him to straighten up. At what point do you think he is likely to adopt the proper mentality of a professional athlete? The obvious answer is probably never. There might be a one in five chance that he works it out. Those aren't good odds.
  14. The Beard domestic drama is the killer. Beard quickly turned things around and had the program headed toward a consistent sweet 16 level. When it went down, I didn't think the administration made the right decision in firing Beard. Can't undo it. It's obvious they're treading water until they get tired and sink with Terry.
  15. I'd bet Ewers will be a better pro than McCoy or VY.
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