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Everything posted by Inspired73

  1. I would expect that the "player's executive council" will deal with this Monday. It will be interesting. Maybe we can trade him to UTSA for a future portal pick. A season with Traylor would do him some good.
  2. I think that the perceived superior level of play that the SEC offers along with Texas' reputation will assist in keeping these prospects in the college mode. The SEC is really good solid AA ball. Playing in the SEC is better than A ball, bus rides, and cheap motels. Add is some UIL and the decision will not be an easy one for the high schoolers. I also think that our new staff has an MLB flavor which enhances our chances. That said a first rounder must sign. He can't turn down the big money.
  3. I listened to that broadcast. I don't know if that was a criticism or complement. I really think it was just an observation. But, as a UTSA season ticket holder, let me just say the Alamo Dome PA announcer and his piped in music are mind numbingly loud. Then, or course, there are his cheerleading antics. I seriously doubt that DKR noise will affect UTSA players.
  4. Very true. I didn't think the other incidents were particularly violent either. I really think it is more of a spinal issue than head issue.... of course I am no doctor. Regardless, he needs to find another career. I imagine that his "entourage" is telling him that this is nothin. But brains are not like arms and legs. They heal.......brains never fully recover. I truly hope that there is someone in his life that really cares about him that will deliver the unwanted message.
  5. Wow. Double A baseball is back! (For all of you non-baseball fans, AA baseball is where MLB dumps all their young high-end prospects to develop.....). Every team on that schedule will have legitimate MLB prospects. If you play 500 conference ball, you are probably a very good team.
  6. Why do we have a conference championship game (CG)? The winner will get a "first 4" pass. BUT the loser goes into the "eight team pool". The Loser of the CG must turn around and play the next week versus a team that has had at least one week off. The Loser is of the CG is coming off of an emotional investment and will be on the down slide emotionally. It seems to me that unless a team is damn sure of winning the CG, a better strategy would be to finish third. Yes, there will be seeding, but is there that much difference between 5 vs 12.
  7. That's a schedule for a coach trying to keep his job. Shame on CDC for allowing this charade.
  8. This appears to be a super group of coaches (staff). I would think that Tulo and Weiner would be easy sell to recruits. Comment: I was not anti-David. We were, however, kind of in a non-glamorous rut (Think K-Stateish) This move with Sloss makes it easy to get on the wagon. The one thing about CDC, is that he loves coaches with personality. If DULL is on your resume, then you need-not apply.
  9. Consistency. That's what I look for. Finishing first, second, third in various activities is stressful. Consistency is soothing.
  10. 1. Memphis would take Cal back in a heartbeat. He is a very good coach. My question regarding the hire is whether his heart is really in coaching any longer. I think too many of these guys stick around for the paycheck. He may be one. 2. AS has been their M.O., Arkansas is looking for a quick fix. They have run through some really good football and basketball coaches over the years. Other than Broyles, no one could navigate the Ozark gods. 3. For the poster that continues to imply that great coaches don't need great players, Of the handful of truly great coaches that I have met, each has always maintained that great players make great coaches. They, of course, are being modest. But I can assure you that you can't take Bessie off the plow and win the Kentucky Derby............
  11. This team will drive you crazy. When they shoot well, they look like world beaters. When they don't, the feeding frenzy begins. My question for you basketball guys (which i am not) is this: Why can't we have 3-4 specific plays that are designed to get a layup or dunk........and maybe a foul. If you just slow the game down, create some hiccups for the opponent, then you can withstand the inevitable 'run'.
  12. Guys, this one shocked this old man. When someone leaves the place where he made his mark.....created his identity............well. you gotta wonder about that place. It looks like Trev just threw in the towel at UN. Fortunately for him, he had some kind of connect with A/M. Must have a cousin with a Texas farm. I wish him well, but herding Aggies has typically proven to be a touch gig.
  13. Is any of this really important?
  14. There are some basic rules in baseball. Rule 1: Strike One. Your first or second pitch must be a good strike. From that point the pitcher has the upper hand. 0-2 the hitter has the advantage for the AB. In general, watching college baseball is difficult. Too many pitchers refuse to throw a strike. They get behind then shove it right down the pipe. You will never be great at pitching until you are willing to throw Strike One. Part of me wants to finger the coaches, but damn, every college game i watch is Ball, Ball, Ball, Foul, boom..... It would also help the pitching if we turned a routine double play, caught a fly in the gap and blocked a few pitches in the dirt. That crap is on the players. Frankly, lasts weekend showed that our players couldn't handle the bright lites, not that they can't play.
  15. For what it is worth and a view from FarAway: The NCAA should consist of 4 units - Super, Large, Medium and Small. Each unit should have its own rules and governors (the rules making /enforcing body). To be in the Super group you must play football and have a total of 12 varsity sports minimum...........pretty easy mark. A fixed 24 team football tournament. The remaining group members can play a bowl game it they choose, or they could make their players go to class. A Super conference team can only play one Large conference team annually. That will help UT system funnel money to UTEP/SA/SFA. LSU will be required to place one of the Louisianna directional schools, and A/M (as part of its Bryan Eagle awarded annual National Championship) can choose between Tarlton or Commerce. Notre Dame will be restricted to only Catholic directional institutions or Northwestern. Essentially each team has one "warm up game", one game from another conference and 10 games that mean something. UIl money will be allowed but allocated among sports based on the number of players in each sport and percentage of total revenues generated for the athletic department. Each sport then allocates its own mulla based on simple math. Yes, women will not get the same as football, although basketball would probably be even split. At OU softball will get a larger split than baseball. This is due to Sooner softballs larger than normal crowds and, of course, having larger balls than the boys. The NCAA executive committee will get an annual box at the Circuit of Americas race if they never meet or talk to one another. Any conversations of any type or mode (texting) among themselves will automatically disqualify them from The Box and the inevitable hotties that come with it. You see, these things aren't nearly as complicated as the academics make them!
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