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Everything posted by Jmac0585

  1. Hard to beat a team while you're busy beating yourself. We played behind the chains way too much. Our defense must be livid about having to carry the offense so much.
  2. According to that list Ohio State wins the Natty, right? I mean, we should barely make the playoff... I've always wanted to know how they figure these ratings. I won't be buying opening day. Gonna read all the negative reviews for awhile.
  3. The list of sayings and idioms the guys use frequently: "Let me be clear" - Bobby "Recruit through the whistle" - Gerry "Manscape(d)" - Gerry *NEW* "Is the juice worth the squeeze" - Gerry Positive Exasperated sigh followed by "Ohh man..." - Blake "Rod B!" - Rod B
  4. Already havin' ta tell folks to behave...
  5. Gerry, If you make it out to visit either Troy Huhn, or the Mater Dei boys, LMK. I work in Costa Mesa about 01 minutes from Mater Dei, and I live around 3 minutes from Mission Hills HS in San Marcos. I'll buy ya lunch or supper if possible.
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