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  1. I had high hopes for this kid a few years back, but I have not seen him make a difference. Is the weight the sole issue, or is he just not progressing like they had hoped? HOOK 'EM
  2. This statement. So true.
  3. Sorry if I missed in another post, but do we know why DL recruit Landon Rink not include Texas in his top 3 schools? https://www.on3.com/news/2025-dl-landon-rink-announces-commitment-date-top-three-schools/
  4. Will On Texas have anything going on for the 'Made in Austin Weekend'? I am hoping to make my first Orange-White Game, and don't want to miss the opportunity to meet up. https://texassports.com/news/2023/1/25/texas-football-orange-white-game-presented-by-texas-one-fund-set-for-april-15.aspx
  5. This is great stuff CJ. I believe having so many new HC/QBs frontloaded on the schedule gives coach K opportunities to scheme and disrupt, greatly improving our win percentage. Bodes well for our first year in SEC country.
  6. KPRC2 Houston reporting that Texans DL coach Jacques Cesaire is not returning to the team. I can't help but think this will affect Rod Wright's future plans one way or the other. Link to story below. https://www.click2houston.com/sports/2024/01/23/texans-defensive-line-coach-jacques-cesaire-not-returning-got-nothing-but-love-for-those-guys/
  7. Been hooked for quite some time on your YT channel. Looking forward to big things!
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