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Everything posted by UTFanatic1981

  1. I think Aggies should do what they do best as the 12th man Fandom. BOYCOTT show some balls and try it on something important. Try the SEC or midnight yell practice. Or t-shirts.
  2. It's 4:18 and ou still sucks
  3. Texas a&m is the only school where women win and men are cheerleaders. Go figure
  4. I remember the "burnt orange" figs. Where would we w/o ags leadership during wars
  5. I forgot "glow in dark" football uniforms. Turn off lites to work. or remember Cold Fusion from academics.
  6. Following in timeline only . Aggie success where? Best vet school or cheerleaders
  7. Give my beer to another It's too far drive from Nederland
  8. I posted here so others could see my answer.
  9. Biggest what if Jitter Fields punt return fumble.
  10. As I get older, those around say I am getting more simple minded.
  11. Competing for Championships every year and putting players in NFL.
  12. For his personal use.
  13. I learned in my Probability and Statistics class, that numbers can prove everything !
  14. Given his evolving game, it would be hard to compare. My guess today would be Purdy.
  15. Just another Longhorn Legend!!
  16. How does Harris get to keep transferring?🤢
  17. They are smoking everyone else!!!
  18. One thing ou still sucks a&m is only scool where the women win championship and the men are cheerleaders!
  19. Recruits would have a difficult time understanding his language while at Texas.
  20. Some kids aren't meant to be a Longhorn! Case in point: all the Aggies in the world ou still sucks
  21. Welcome ou still sucks a&m is only school where their women win Championships and the men are cheerleaders P
  22. Back in the days, a car with Texas plates could not buy gas during game week. ou still sucks
  23. Just a little introduction I was born in 1959 My dad is a UT alumni I am a real Lifetime Longhorn because I was born with Burnt Orange hair. DKR was truly a God growing up. My favorite Longhorn used to Roosevelt Leaks, until Earl Campbell blocked a punt against Arkansas. I received my BSME in 1981. Used to follow every game with my father on TV or radio. I never went a game thinking that we could possibly get beat, until 2012 Iowa St. I am excited about what Sark and the Longhorns are doing, like I was in 1968 with DKR and the wishbone. HOOKEM ou still sucks
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