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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. So glad you're taking this to the next level! Absolutely jealous of you guys hitting all these awesome road games. LFG!
  2. Bump! Let’s get some more teams signed up this week!!
  3. Hell yeah! We are in for a team of 4! Can’t wait. 🤘
  4. Wells sucks! He's closer to Taylor Hamm than @Gerry Hamilton legacy wise.
  5. We want you to become an OTF OG! Today, we are launching our premium website service. Features will include members-only live chats with Gerry, CJ and myself. Insider news and notes from both the team and recruiting, and more. As an original member of On Texas Football, we also have created a special rate just for folks who have been with us from the beginning. The price of a normal subscription is either $5.95 per month or $59.95 per year. However, if you use the code OTFOG you will receive $20 off the annual subscription. That's one year for just $39.95. We hope you join us in the next phase of what On Texas Football is striving to become -- the place for Longhorn fans to unite. Hook'Em! https://ontexasfootball.com/store/
  6. Bobby, that's great to hear! Your team definitely provides the best coverage of Longhorn sports and recruiting. This message board was a great addition to supplement your video content. I am glad you put this message out there, as I see the number of members growing here daily, including some members from competing sites that have brought little value to those boards for years. I'm hoping they can become more positive contributors here and leave behind their tiresome shticks.
  7. I wish him well. He just never seemed to progress or develop further while here at Texas. He would get lost and forgotten in the offense. Part of that is coaching, but a lot of that is on him in my opinion. Any idea where he will end up @Gerry Hamilton?
  8. Let’s roll! I’m here for @Gerry Hamilton and our mutual love of seafood appetizers!
  9. I hope he can win the starting job. 🤞
  10. Good first episode! You guys definitely exhibited chemistry together. Looking forward to seeing the show progress! 🤘 i
  11. End up being a good fight card. O’Malley really is a precision striker. Poirier showed once again that he’s not done yet. Peter Yan deserves another shot to get back in the race for a belt.
  12. That's just way too many teams. Heck, I think 12 is too many teams. There's never a debate that 14 teams could potentially be the best team in the nation. I wish they would have stuck with 6. The top two teams get a Week 1 bye. The next four teams play each other for a chance to go to the semi's.
  13. Exactly. It was a stupid thing to do but no one ended up getting hurt. We’re not gonna ruin some 18-year-old kids life over this. Nobody on here needs to be the judge, jury, or executioner. The real courts decided not to pursue it. And if there is civil litigation down the line between parents and school district, then so be it. Thats a private matter. I think most people did really dumb stuff when they were young. You were also lucky that there was no permanent damage from those mistakes. Unless someone on here was personally affected by the incident, then let it go. Was a shitty situation all around. Just learn and move on.
  14. @Blake Munroe We covering tonight (Friday) @ -2?
  15. I’ll be honest….. I don’t know if I could name 10 defensive line coaches to begin with! Sark has done a great job with second generation hires, and I’m sure he did his evaluations properly. Hopefully, this guy will be a stud!
  16. Different situation behind it all, but think it’s an emotional hire similar to Rodney Terry. Seems like the right thing to do to most people lost in the clouds at the moment, but everyone with a brain knows it’s not the right long-term play for the program.
  17. @Ray Peters I’ve grown to love the Wednesday show. You do a great job of navigating the topics and directing the discussions. Can you give us a little more background on your career and what you did before “retirement”?
  18. That feels like we’re probably taking a reset for the interior defensive line coaching search. Sark probably thought he had a hire near the finish line. If not, I feel we would have activated Harris weeks ago. I know Sark will find the right guy. Good to have another “coach” out on the road until then!
  19. @Bobby Burton @Blake Munroe @CJ Vogel What do we realistically expect Mitchell to run in the 40 at his pro? I feel like that’s gonna be the determining factor on whether or not he’s a first round pick.
  20. Would have been found money. I believe the recruitment became a lot harder for us once he reclassified to 2024. We signed a lot of wide receivers out of high school and in the portal this year. Auburn and Alabama offer him quicker paths to play, plus the heavy in-state pressure.
  21. It’s an uphill battle against Auburn but Sark will go out swinging with his best shot! Would be an unbelievable pull if Sark can reel him in.
  22. Quinn has to continue getting more consistent at hitting the deep ball. Those are the type of opportunities over-the-top that elite quarterbacks don’t miss. If he learns to hit that throw regularly next year, we probably go undefeated into playoffs.
  23. Damn, that film was much better than I was expecting. Those were big boy plays. This guy could be a real contributor next year.
  24. Great to see Sark focusing on the sophomores also! Build these relationships early. 💪
  25. Brings some extra eyes to the defensive backfield! 🤘 Former NFL CB. Sark’s continued focus on fixing coverage issues from last year.
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