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  1. I've mentioned this before, but Mavs fat boy lovers need to check reality. Here's Kobe killing Iverson in 2008. Iverson wouldn't work. Same as fat boy. Iverson wasn't fat. Luka is. Iverson didn't want to practice and wouldn't work hard. This is the difference between working and not. Fat boys need not apply.
  2. That's true, but the greatest QB in CFB in history is Joe Burrow in 2019. That's a one year deal, but it's the truth. I'm betting Arch surpasses that this year or next.
  3. Arch is going 1/1 when he comes out. No GM with the first pick is gong to try to explain why he didn't draft a Manning.
  4. Be pulling for three SEC teams in the Elite 8. Can't bring myself to root for Oats and his acquiescence to lethal criminal activity. Can't stand Duke either. Have to abstain there.
  5. Wonder when the Aggies will realize good ole Trev is poisoning the well.
  6. "They were telling me today with a good year Mateer will be a Heisman candidate." Same thing the criminals were saying last year this time about Arnold: Heisman hunt, win ten, yaddy, yaddy.
  7. Leonid Breznev, Mao Zedunug. Henry Kissinger. Who won the end? Ask Matt.
  8. Maybe he'll know how to use commodes.
  9. Reminds of when the pansies took over the Cormac McCarthy board in 2011.
  10. Makes me wish I'd gone to Arkansas or LSU instead of Texas. Maybe then I'd know the difference between the "court of public opinion" and real evidence.
  11. Sorry, Jeff. I'll leave you guys alone. It's tough dealing with so much intellectual sophistication.
  12. I'm guessing Arizona would say the same thing about Miller.
  13. Photos don't prove who did what unless the photo shows the perpetrator in the act. They're photos. Conversely, FBI recordings of Miller are pretty definitive. You can say it's not a big deal because rules have changed. If the law changes on "beating women," will that change Beard's status?
  14. Ther Again, there are affidavits swearing people saw big foot. Absent epistemologically verifiable evidence, we don't know.
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