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Everything posted by GoHorns1

  1. Think long term it was for best with new OC who didn’t run the same offense.
  2. Just stupid to bet on a sport that one plays
  3. Two WCWS games 0 runs 2 hits 15 K 5 walks That crazy numbers
  4. Texas to the finals 1-0 TK with a 1 hit 1 walk shutout
  5. Texas vs Stanford 7pm ET next game. A Texas win means Texas to the finals
  6. 2 possible 3 TE class. Texas is losing two TEs this year
  7. Blake, Bobby OTF needs to Dave O’Neill on a video interview. That 3 National Championships in four years.
  8. Isaiah Coleman is a fantastic development guy. I love his non stop motor and huge chip on his shoulder.
  9. Texas won the 4s the I 8s was 2nd in II. 8s. The maximum points in rowing is 132 Texas scored 130 4s 22 points got 22 II 8s. 44 points got 42 I 8s 66 points got 66
  10. The maximum points a team can score in the rowing championship is 132, Texas scored 130. 66 I 8s got 66 44 II 8s got 42 22 4s got 22
  11. Texas wins the National Championship in Rowing. Texas won the 4s and I 8s and 2nd in Ii 8s
  13. I Eights is the final race Texas & Stanford are tied at 62 points
  14. II Eights Stanford 1st, Texas 2nd II Eights is worth 44 points then 40, 38 36
  15. Finals have started. The 4s go1st. Texas wins the 4s. That is 22 points. Stanford was 3rd
  16. Texas 10-Florida 0 in 5 innings. Run rule. Max Morgan throws a 1 hitter. Texas to semi final Monday night.
  17. Texas can still face Stanford in the softball tournament later. Rowing will play a huge factor . Texas should more points in Track & Field Championships in Eugene next week June 5-8.
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