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Beard N Balls Bundle

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About Beard N Balls Bundle

  • Birthday 02/04/1982

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  1. Has anyone done a wellness check on these poor kids?
  2. I'm sure the staff has targets in mind already
  3. 99 looked strong. Great game. Great series. Hook ‘em!
  4. Nah. Bambi was a fawn. This is an axis. Bit of Bambi walks out in front me, I’ll blast her too
  5. Loved this interview. He’s impressive
  6. Standard operating procedure
  7. Just thought this was humorous. On3 must be desperate for content right now
      • 2
      • Haha
  8. He was arrested for the incident before he was charged so they’d absolutely be able to know about it. That’s how the justice system works. You don’t get charged first and Texas did turn away Chris Beard. What are you talking about? He’s not coaching at Texas anymore is he?
  9. Teams and organizations turn people away all the time for character issues. So, yes it could be if a team doesn’t want that baggage. Not sure why it’s such a hot take. Pretty common actually
  10. I’m saying I doubt there’s no way that they just didn’t know about the incident. I could be wrong but it seems unlikely to me they were completely unaware. A basic background check would reveal the incident
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