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Beard N Balls Bundle

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About Beard N Balls Bundle

  • Birthday 02/04/1982

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  1. The Beard N Balls bundle is a level and sensible choice in and of itself
  2. I can see that. Generally, the sky is always falling at the slightest negative news at the university of Texas
  3. I don’t see a lot of overly emotional reactions to this news. It seems ,at least on OTF, fans have put their trust in sark and have given measured responses to this news.
  4. Right on. Going to be tough to replace that Georgia connection
  5. What do you mean by volume recruiter? Choice took two guys every cycle
  6. He is known as a family man. Being a full blown safeties coach puts him on the road recruiting A LOT and takes him away from his family for much of the year. Not sure if that is what he wants. I think the OP is probably correct IMO
  7. This kid is built for this
  8. Travis Shaw can play over the ball too
  9. Love the wide net that Baker is casting
  10. Be careful about taking advice from Gerry. That Aggie likes mayo on his corn dogs
  11. Got mine yesterday. The last year had been great with OTF. Hook ‘em! 🤘
  12. Hopefully Trump does what he said and sends education back to the states
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