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Beard N Balls Bundle

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About Beard N Balls Bundle

  • Birthday 02/04/1982

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  1. Gasparino went yard again. 5 HR in his last ten at bats
  2. Grubbs with 3 strikeouts to get out of the inning. Clutch
  3. Gasparino with another HR. Kid is on fire right now. Good answer for Texas to take the lead back
  4. Good write up. It’s pretty incredible to see the turnaround from both programs from last year to this year. It’s a good sign of things to come for the future of Texas baseball under Schloss
  5. These team is legit. They’re a lot of fun to watch
  6. Gasparino’s 2nd of the game. That was a shot too. Dead center. 8 RBIs for Gasparino
  7. 3 run shot by Gasparino (2nd of the day) puts us up 15-0. Texas is throttling Missouri
  8. I think the message board appreciates bullying Gerry most
  9. Has anyone done a wellness check on these poor kids?
  10. I'm sure the staff has targets in mind already
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