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Beard N Balls Bundle

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About Beard N Balls Bundle

  • Birthday 02/04/1982

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  1. You didn’t apply logic to anything. I asked who we could sign at DL and you somehow took that to mean that I said this coaching staff doesn’t know what they’re doing. Not very logical
  2. Where did I question anything you just listed? I asked what three DL could we bring in? Calm down
  3. I thought we would too, and we still may. But the fact we haven’t indicates to me that we have great depth. I hope that’s the case and we’re set up with some good defensive backs for next year I’m really curious how guys like Santana Wilson and Warren Roberson are coming along
  4. Texas may really like what they see in the guys we’ve already got and don’t feel like we need another CB
  5. I don’t disagree but we know that’s not how it goes anymore
  6. I don’t disagree. The guy from Arizona with the Nansen connection?
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