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Beard N Balls Bundle

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About Beard N Balls Bundle

  • Birthday 02/04/1982

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  1. He didn’t have a great game but you also can’t expect a guy to cover a receiver for eight seconds. Some of those throws were the scramble drill. Other throws were just great throws on good coverage. But I agree, manny did not have a great game. I’m not worried about the defense though. They keep teams out of the end zone when it counts
  2. Is North Crowley the surprise of the year? I know they have some really good players but the path they took to a state title is very very impressive. And they beat west lake handily.
  3. You didn’t apply logic to anything. I asked who we could sign at DL and you somehow took that to mean that I said this coaching staff doesn’t know what they’re doing. Not very logical
  4. Where did I question anything you just listed? I asked what three DL could we bring in? Calm down
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