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Shawn Strayhorn

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Everything posted by Shawn Strayhorn

  1. Tsk Tsk Tsk....... I guess there are till some things you have yet to learn from Gerry! Welcome aboard anyways 😃
  2. I know the first two passes were great but........... My feelings wouldnt be hurt if we started thinking more along the lines of west coast style passes of 15 yards or less. Quinn seems to do alot better with those as his deep stuff just seems to float a bit too much and that will get us in trouble more times tthan not
  3. Hopefully we saved a little luck for next week
  4. I'm up to 51 in mens and see that some of yall made questionable picks in the NC / MichSt game so i expect to be moving up again soon!!
  5. As long as i dont have to prove it..... me too!!!! lol
  6. it is official..... I know NOTHING about college basketball (like Blake)
  7. lv_7287411029431094534_20240321184019.mp4
  8. not 16 anymore!!! Amazing comeback by Dayton
  9. AND 1!!! Come on Dayton!!! I never doubted you
  10. Maybe I need to talk more crap as they have gone on a little run since! Looks like picks all over for this one
  11. someone forgot to tell Dayton to show up today. geesh, they look bad
  12. Saw this and thought others might enjoy as well.
  13. or more to point (maybe).... how many of top programs would still be if states had to pick them up as employees??
  14. Off topic .....but not, With the Tenn/VA v. NCAA (amongst other suits) and coaches with options choosing NFL over college due to NIL and the web that it weaves The big programs moving more to a NFL style structure with GM and scouting dept and etc, are we on fast track to a SEC (AFC) v. B10(NFC) model??????? If so, how many of programs that we consider to be in top 32 now would elect to stay as such when bill has to be footed year over year to maintain players Sort of feels like a snowball running down hill that is starting to gain real momentum Also if big broke away.... would NCAA still try to run smaller programs??
  15. I think that speaks more to the fact that the family knows it is a long play and not to be short sighted... that said, in todays game, unless there is some unforeseen injury, I have a have time seeing him starting for more than 2 years On your other point, It does seem somewhat poetic to think he might end up in NO and run it full circle (unless this not end of circle???)))
  16. I dont think that seeing ads would be an issue to anyone if it means keeping a community open to the masses.
  17. Hard Iron with Sharp.... wait, Sharp Iron is Hard Iron??? oh wait.... Sharp Iron makes Hard Iron!!!! Nailed it!!!! LFG!!!! This has making of a dynamic duo!
  18. Good to hear, I was a tad worried we might lose others as well.(like Harris) Is this Ole Miss making an effort to find ways into Texas or more they just like his resume??
  19. uh-oh.... will have to make sure they are earned not given then. But also, if you a Longhorn fan you have earned my upvote by default....... such a predicament!!
  20. any chance this has a ripple effect?? meaning Glasscock possibly has a few people follow him over as he defines a new department?? Is that even a worry? How valuable is the "scouting dept" or is that more of a first line of defense and real looks and decisions being made by coaches?
  21. Seems with all the added eval and recruitment these days and added retention efforts from NIL. How can front office/scouting departments not be the next big area for teams to fill out with as robust a staff as possible.
  22. I think everyone is missing the real question here........ Going back to Cali @Bobby Burton, you a LL Cool J or Notorious B.I.G. fan???? =p
  23. walk down street and give a thumbs up and people look at you like you are a dork lol give a horns up and they know exactly what you mean and if they a college football fan you can have some fun banter
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