Would like to welcome any OGs and their fam/friends that love to play some golf and help benefit Texas One Fund at the same time. A good friend of ours passed away recently and he was as large of a Texas fan as anyone. We brainstormed over some beverages and figured this would be a good way as any to have a Memorial for our fallen friend.
When: Friday, October 18, 2024 1:30PM
Where: Double J Ranch Golf Course, Wimberley, TX
Format: 4-man scramble with lunch and many games on course to include a $10,000 putt opportunity
Lunch will be served and beverages will be available for purchase on course. Additionally, the course in Wimberley has been bought by some new investors and a close friend of mine has been hired to upgrade, enhance and redesign the course. Therefore, we will also be helping a club out that is trying to improve itself! They will actually be closed for a few weeks leading up to the tourney for overseeding and repairs so it should be as good as can be for the shotgun start! I hope to see you out there and we maaaaaaaay have an OTF sighting if this thing can get filled up! Feel free to contact me at any time with questions in regards to the tourney!
Jason (325)439-0282