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Everything posted by 4thandFive

  1. Another WASTED down. Quinn can’t throw it further than 20 yards.
  2. Ole Miss put up 60 on this team. Every game CANNOT come down to how our defense plays. It should be 41-10.
  3. As soon as he got by guys my thought was Don’t Fumble. He’s too careless with it.
  4. Not until the game says 0:00 and Texas has more points than Arky.
  5. This Texas offense isn’t beating A&M.
  6. Texas plays with their food WAY too much. This offense is killing their own defense.
  7. We’re gonna mess around and let them come up for air. Texas can absolutely lose this game. We have left like 3 TDs on the field.
  8. Texas should have 24 at least. Period.
  9. If he was really bothered, he’d put in #16.
  10. This defense is supposedly BAD….Sark better do something.
  11. Was busy and just caught up. We have left SOOOOO many points on the field.
  12. Offer, I’m worried about it. But let’s go ahead and go Texas 38 Piggy 17
  13. Texas better win out.
  14. Talent is talent. But talent that doesn’t want to be at Texas isn’t a talent worth having.
  15. Well….was a fan. Right now I’m just going on 10 years + annoyed that every season ends the same and I can’t get into watching much it anymore.
  16. We all know Jerry is running it into the ground. But he’s the owner so……we’re stuck until he lets someone else take over.
  17. I don’t see Belichik working with Jerry. Plus…Jerry likes flash.
  18. I know. But going back to the scene of the crime after that game makes me nervous.
  19. Rex Ryan mentioned this very thing on ESPN today. And it’s not the first time I’ve heard it.
  20. This game worries me just because of what happened to us there last time. I feel like we need this.
  21. So what do y’all think? I’ve been a Cowboys fan since I was born. Watched them win it all in ‘92, ‘93, and ‘95. Also watched them do NOTHING for almost 30 years now. We all know Jerry is the problem. But the offensive scheme is straight out of the 1990s. Nobody pays or uses their RB like Dallas anymore. Deion…LOVED him as a player. I don’t love how he gets on with the team & media in Colorado, but I can’t help but wonder what we could bring to a roster of entitled pros wearing the Star. Thoughts?
  22. No Texas, A&M, Mizzou, Florida, Tennessee, Arky, Kentucky, Auburn, Miss State….yawn.
  23. Could he conceivably transfer and spend one more year? Or is he gone to NFL no matter what?
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