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  1. He should just sue like Pavia and get a little more!
  2. It was a great sports day. Glad Finland beat Sweden too.
  3. Glad to see the fight back in the team with a great win at home. Hopefully they can keep that momentum.
  4. Massive choke job. 2 chances to end it and nothing. Unbelievable.
  5. Cursed ballpark. Somebody buried a damn aggie jersey in there somewhere.
  6. C'mon Riojas, get it done.
  7. Although I hope he's fully recovered, getting Baxter back at 80-90% for the season is like 100% for most RBs. I'll take that combined with Wisner. I'm very curious what they do in the spring portal.
  8. Noooooooo! They don't deserve to have Stevens.
  9. This is just plain bad. What happened to playing defense? Bama is shooting whenever they want. This team doesn't even look like they want to be in the tourney and RT isn't solving the problem(s). Time to end the experiment before we get another Shaka.
  10. Worthy and Blue on the Chiefs would be cheating...
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