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David Latiolais

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Everything posted by David Latiolais

  1. I am so glad, yall weren't around when I was 16, the pranks we played on teammates would have us in prison with this group. I kind of hope Texas sings him to see how many quit being Longhorns fan
  2. Let he without sin cast the first stone. He was stupid, but he was 16 and if has been forgotten by the player, and has apologized and learned a real lesson, then give the kid a chance.
  3. I was incorrect about missing the game, it is missing the 1st half of the playoff game. Similar to targeting rule. If the announcers were correct. What chance would Texas have against either LSU or south carolina?
  4. According to the announcers they said that all the players suspended would miss the first game of the NCAA tournament? If that's true, would that affect both those teams seating? Or would they still get number one seed for South Carolina.
  5. So we all think there is a Texas bias in the rankings? Malik Murphy was the number two rated quarterback until he committed to Texas and then they dropped him down to just passed a hundred and ten I think? This last cycle almost all of the Texas top 200 players dropped on the final rankings. Three five star players became four stars? Not saying there's a bias, but it sure feels a bit strange?
  6. I have not seen KJ play, but I have seen the kid from Duncanville play and he's good? Just wondering if a coach can fall in love with a kid to early? Or I like this kid in 2025, but I love the kid in 2026 a lot more.
  7. Why is KJ Lacy not getting the love from the recruiting sites? He's ranked anywhere from 110 to 141? On 24/7 he is the number 14 ranked quarterback in the 2025 class? Whereas the kid from duncanville is top 50? Steve Sarkisian see something in him that the ranking services do not? And how would you compare the kid from duncanville versus KJ Lacy? I think there are 3 Texas kids ranked higher than KJ.
  8. Is there a way to quantify the value of a number one wide receiver versus the number 2 wide receiver? For example is more the number one wide receiver on the board worth three points a game more than the next wide receiver on the board? Or is the difference so slight that there really isn't a point differential.
  9. I do hope we pick up a really good DT in the portal, but they are few and faw between. The idea the OL players are not athletic is ridiculous, of course they are. Coaches will always view OL guys that are big and athletic a premium because they protect the quarterback. Yes it's a different skill set than a defensive lineman, but in today's world offensive lineman with really good feet play offensive tackle, you see centers that can pull and block because they have good feet. Yes Byron Murphy and Sweat were two great defensive tackles who were big and athletic, but as far as the other defensive tackles on this team they are not nearly as athletic, and I would say that Kam Williams and Trevor Goosby are just as athletic as any of the defensive tackles. I know it's easier to recruit a defensive tackle who has played that position his entire career, then trying to teach an offensive lineman a new position, so I get that. But what happens if you don't pick up a defensive tackle in the portal and somebody gets hurt? And no I'm not suggesting that they should move Cam or Trevor, just making a point about athleticism.
  10. Just asking the question, Texas has a national championship quality team with the exception of death at defensive tackle. And if we can't pick up a defensive tackle in the portal then that may be the biggest issue next year. So I was thinking out of the box a little, we have a offensive lineman playing tight end who has caught a couple of passes, that's pretty athletic? Is it good chance we lose two or three offensive lineman in the portal this year, just looking at potential options.
  11. Plenty of lawyer have become doctors, just takes schooling and training . Weak example.
  12. When you're a bad typist sure would be nice to have an edit button. LOL
  13. Texas has so many offensive lineman, why not take one or two and see if they can play defensive tackle or nose guard? Most of these guys have probably paid defense before, and definitely has the size and the an explosiveness, it's just a matter of technique? If Texas does not pick up another defensive lineman, why not take a offensive lineman you may lose in the portal and turn him into a nose tackle?
  14. That was 20+ years ago, most of the haters are over 40- 80 and should have grown up by now. I just hope the kid that gave out his phone number has apologized. That was an asshole move. Bobby, maybe you could get him on your show?
  15. I've been watching Chris Sims show where he's been interviewing Texas longhorns at the combine, and showing a lot of love for his longhorn brethren. I think it's time that the University of Texas figures out a way to bring him back to Austin by showing him Texas longhorns want him back. Maybe Texas could have a bring back the quarterback day, and bring back as many former Texas longhorn starting quarterbacks, which would include Chris Sims and Todd Dodge. Those two guys really don't get a lot of love from the University of Texas.
  16. Just wait until the kids decide to go on strike for more money and we lose a season of football. This will get bad in my opinion.
  17. Also, does this mean a school can go to another school and offer a player an nil deal even though they're not in the portal? Will you have to offer a high school kid or a portal person a contract a two-year deal worth x number of dollars? So they don't leave?
  18. Does this mean that state law will take precedence? Or can Texas offer high school kids an nil deal no matter what state they live in?
  19. I also think Sark needs to go back and read the number one golden rule of football, and that is if they can't stop you (running the ball) keep doing it till they do. Sark sometimes over thinks play calling. The opposite can be said in the red zone, maybe open up the play book a bit more.
  20. I really like Trey Weisner, I just don't know if there's a place for him with the two new running backs coming in , and Jadan Blue killing it.
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