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Everything posted by cmk4pres

  1. He has been a massive disappointment from day 1.
  2. I have to say this is pretty damn good
  3. Know Ty well. My wife coached his daughters. Great dude
  4. Taking my team to go see the Cats on Saturday.
  5. This tonight in NB correct? I showed up right after. And NB won.
  6. Spin. I'm huge Akina fan 12-15 years ago. Respected no doubt. But this will be used against him any way you slice it
  7. Just hire Ivey or Miller and be done with it. This is pathetic
  8. Under .500 at Fresno and UTEP. He wasn't going to all of sudden be elite here.
  9. Not just run isolation and throw up bricks. Tons of offensive formations and plays to run. How anyone can defend this crap is unreal.
  10. Terry has no clue how to coach offense. Zero clue
  11. Thats the Choice effect
  12. Agreed however second appearance in a row left in too long
  13. In Schloss I trust so let's get that out there. need to find a leadoff guy so Kimble can hit behind Belyeu. max needs to hit 3. Love ARod at 2. I would bat Kimble 4, Flores than Will G. Would be nice if Faremr or Winfield was the guy to leadoff
  14. These polls aren't worth being toilet paper
  15. Belyeu needs to bat 2 or 3. Get more ABs all year
  16. We might break the national record for most Ks in a season
  17. He was leaning and got abused
  18. No sh!t you would think Bob Gibson on the mound. he isn't
  19. Good god we have to make contact
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