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  1. It's probably best for everyone to let it lie and get handled internally. Even though we're quite curious!! These things happen. And strong cultures can sort them without making big waves. I think the culture Sark and crew have built can withstand this.
  2. Which of Sydir's 4 career tackles is your favorite?
  3. https://x.com/jasonmkates/status/1837494213333704944?s=46&t=FHuiGBuW0CjzNzIx3p3xbw
  4. He's amazing. I was providing data on the SB topic.
  5. Nope. Base stealing has never been easier. Bigger bases. Pitcher disengagement rules. There were over 1,000 more steals in 2023 compared to 2022, and there will be more steals in 2024 than in 2023. In 2023, runners stole 2B at the highest rate in decades and stole 3B at the highest rate in history. Anyway, Ohtani is still impressive.
  6. I don't see Weigman or Reed. MISINFORMATION!!
  7. I'm not going to pretend to care about WBB, but I wish Coach Vic the best and hope we win the natty!
  8. And beyond. Come play with a QB who can produce at a level high enough to win games. And he's only going to grow and improve...
  9. This is how I see it also. No way he's a bust. Frankly, LSU has struggled to figure out how to use him. I understand why...they have tried to pitch to him that learning to play traditional LB will boost his NFL stock. They are probably right, but it also means lots of growing pains and plenty of snaps where he's not a disrupting factor. It would probably be better for the program to have him rush the passer, create havoc in the backfield on most snaps, but it might be better for Harold in the long run to be forced to drop into coverage, read keys, and fill holes from a traditional LB spot. We'll see. Time will tell.
  10. Rumor has it that Bobby woke up talking about Arch, all the skill at WR, the lockdown CB play, etc. and his wife got so turned on that she ended up distracting poor Bobby for a little while, taking him away from his normal posting.
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