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Thailand T Sip

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  1. Good to see recognition of the team's success. #6 seems high given our proclivity for errors. They'll bite us in league play. Get them cleared up & we're looking at a solid season.
  2. Well done HORNS! Hook 'em.! Might not be where you want but you still wear the burnt orange with pride!
  3. Won the 1970 Cotton Bowl & the natty wearing our burnt orange! Same in 1963!
  4. Thanks, one of my favorite carols! May we remember Kristi McColl as the saints do. Merry Christmas 🎄
  5. Nancy, Merry Christmas & wishing you quick recovery. God Bless!!! Horns 27-10; my logical process. Something deep inside says 54-10. Probably due to a great round of golf that included a 50+' center cup birdie putt along with some requisite cocktails following. Get well! Merry Christmas all! 🤘🏼
  6. Maybe I'm an old guy, but I think Clemson will be a tougher game than ASU. But ask me again when we play ASU. For sure our toughest game will always be the next one. We requested & earned to be SEC.
  7. I refer back to your comments on the OTF rapid reaction regarding the committee's makeup. The committee won't do the right thing!
  8. Just proves you guys aren't AI! Hook 'em!
  9. We support our doubting Thomas’s! Gerry, we’re here for you!
  10. Good catch! Perhaps that's a Bobby "HI"!?
  11. Great!!!! Really appreciate your keeping us up to date on BB. OTF does a great job reporting on key UT athletic events. Much appreciated!
  12. Gerry, This flip would be a great early Xmas present! It's especially at this time in the recruiting cycle that your breadth of connections and ability to stay out front enables us UT fanatics to stay so informed! It's obvious the recruits and their families trust you. Hook 'em!
  13. I'm only 65 and do the same! I figure we're catching up since we couldn't do it when we were kids!
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