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  1. Hudson probably is looking for more guaranteed playing time. He’s not guaranteed to be in front of the true freshman coming in.
  2. They say married life changes a man. That ain’t Vernon out there. That is Mr. Broughton. From now on refer to him as sir in the interviews.
  3. Same. I read last year that Cook wasn’t playing as much because he didn’t follow the plan on and off the field outlined to him by Sark, but Baxter did.
  4. Reading it now as part of my Daily Reading. I have read it a few times, and I always receive new enlightenment. Be blessed.
  5. Defense keeps A&M out of the Endzone
  6. Charlie ain’t gotta take a stray like that. He got family.
  7. Why we talking about North Carolina and Mack?
  8. A real soldier is willing to die in battle. People without that mentality will never understand.
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