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  1. I like the Gibson transfer kid, will see what the other Gibson kid looks like, and what kind of seas Deion Burke has. I don’t know how much a 29 year old Arbuckle (OC) can do when he brought over his QB coach, but the other offensive coaches are in tack. Their OL is more talented and experienced than last year, but Bedenbaugh has to put it together. How well does Kobie McKenzie fill in at LB. Can Kip Lewis stay healthy. Kanak moved from LB to TE. I think their secondary coverage is suspect till it is fixed. They should be really good on the DL. Their season is going to depend on Mateer. He needs to be in the Heisman convo for them to reach 9 to 10 wins imo. It might be the hater in me, but I think Arnold at Auburn has a better year than Mateer. Could be a lot of egg on the face for OU and Brent. They could lose to Jackson Arnold in Auburn, as well as LSU with their former WR (Anderson) and last year’s portal TE (Sharp). Alas, Spring is the time for hope.
  2. Show this to recruits. He’s been at LSU and Bama, but Texas is King.
  3. He made it to the League and got sweet with them Pink Shorts.
  4. I cried man, this one hurts. Atleast we won the Arch and Manning family recruitment. 🤘🏾
  5. Throw up the signal next time
  6. Tell them they have to make reservations to get a table in the haters of Texas section.
  7. Thanks 🤘🏾
  8. AJ Miller has to start getting looks from other programs as OC. Maybe Sark is stacking up his pipeline of up next coaches, or worst case scenario having a familiar face in the room.
  9. With Shaka he landed a different type of group. Barnes landed a lot of one and dones, but his teams had two weaknesses imo. Shooting (free throws included), and small at the 3 position. He played two bigs, and we were really good rebounding team, but we played with 3 guards, and we would get killed by teams more offensively skilled than us. Shaka was just Shaka. If Texas just took bad shots against SFA, we beat them probably comfortably. We just had too many turnovers. We would scored off of offensive put backs by the game pressure caused our team to pass too much looking for good shots. Beard/ Terry teams have not had adequate size to be able to dominate on the boards. Disu and Abram’s imo were wasted talents last year.
  10. 1. No 2. Yes and always.
  11. Honestly, Texas should have got the BYU coach before he went to Tennessee. I just need a coach that on his bench every year is going to have the 6’8 260 lb soft touch, can pass and rebound (staying in college because he is not an NBA guy), short white guy that doesn’t miss from 3 when he is given space. A 6’7 - 6’9 freak athlete.
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