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  1. Won and ugly one but this is who this team is. If they can ugly games up, they will have a chance. Missouri killed themselves on the line. On to the next one! Hook ‘Em!
  2. I wrote off ND way too soon. They are battling back. Props to them. Could be an all time epic come back
  3. And Notre Dame’s defense hasn’t made a stop yet and has given up 31 points thus far.
  4. I would agree with that. I was just a spectator at that game and it hurt. Question as an athlete is, what do you do about it? You can’t go back only forward. And if you worry about “what ifs”, you’ll never move forward. That’s life my friend. Do I sound like the old man that I am?
  5. We had our shot and didn’t get it done. Time to go back to work. You know that those guys understand how close they were to a championship.
  6. Give him credit, he has played really well this year and is lights out tonight.
  7. If you didn’t appreciate how good the defense was this year, you should after this game. That was a special group. I hope it’s a sign of the type of defense we will start playing year in and year out.
  8. I’m reluctantly watching. This one hurts because we were right there. If we keeping knocking on that door, we will bust through And get there!
  9. Dude, you obviously don’t follow the team with a comment like this.
  10. My big complaints about this team. And this is a season long observation. 1) They play hard but they are not physical. Onyema is the only banger. Seems every team pushes them around. Wings can’t finish through contact. 2) I hate our iso-centric offense. We struggle offensively This will be a lost season. Good/bad thing about college basketball these days is you have to build a new team every year.
  11. Like many others on here, I miss the Blitz. It was my favorite for years. Jeff does a great job and I wish him the best.
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