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  1. Tried to watch it on ESPN+, but the game is nowhere to be found
  2. That should make a difference if the next staff uses it wisely.
  3. Looked like his pops on that jump
  4. Hope he gets the Rice job. That would be a good fit for him.
  5. Take the source into account. Bohls is an idiot.
  6. 1. I think they will get in. 2. I don’t think they deserve to get in. I won’t ever root against the Horns but I just don’t think a 6-12 conference record should get anyone into the tournament.
  7. Brought them good mojo yesterday, I hope he shows up today against the ags
  8. Can he suit up? We could use his toughness and attitude.
  9. That is a very good question that I hadn’t thought of. Maybe he trips a lot?? Maybe, since he’s new, he just wants to fit in and be like everyone else?
  10. Same with me. Mine was 14 years ago. My other one gets a little achy and I get paranoid lol Depending on the type of rupture, with new surgical and rehab techniques, recovery time is a lot less than it used to be. wish the young man well 🙏🏼
  11. The off season... where hope springs eternal lol
  12. Lots of live arms. I think the restructuring of the minor leagues and NIL are attracting/keeping more quality players to the college game.
  13. It’s 7:13 and ou SUCKS!
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