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  1. Paul Finebaum Show just announced DKR completely sold out . 🤘”HOOKEM “
  2. I agree completely Bobby & I must comment on a different topic. Your interview with Josh Pate was extremely informative. Has to rank as one of the best college sports interviews I’ve seen on podcasts. Congratulations.
  3. Typical - Anti Quinn sentiment
  4. “ Hopefully it won’t be the close game everyone is predicting “ HOOKEM “
  5. Gerry Hamilton just said on a visiting podcast his thoughts were Quinn 80-85 percent healthy. That’s good in my opinion. But I would like to hear it from Sark.
  6. Gerry Hamilton just said Quinn probably 80-85 percent on College Football Addiction podcast. Quinn at 85 percent sounds good to me . But I would prefer to hear it from Sark .
  7. Let’s just pull for the Horns Red Five what you say let’s let Sark decide which QB gives us the best chance to win . “ Hookem “
  8. I’m saying you’re just trying to be adversarial. Ive been a Longhorn fan a long time . This isn’t my first rodeo. I’m just expressing my thoughts. I’m a big fan of the entire Manning family. Watched Archie play his first pro game.i just believe we need Quinn’s leadership. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. I know we will both be pulling for The Horns. I’ve been pulling for them since the great Steve Worster ran for 856 yards his freshman season in the first year of the Wishbone. It’s a big chance Arch will play . But I believe Quinn needs to start for us to win. Let’s all enjoy the game & Let Sark coach.
  9. I believe you have the right to believe what you choose. I’ll just say be careful what you wish for.
  10. Red five has a tendency to MSMBC my statement.😂
  11. My thoughts are we need Quinn to start . If we get ahead two TDs Arch may come in . We definitely cannot win without Quinn. Sark is aware of that . So is the team . Quinn is the heart of the team. Hopefully when Arch comes in he will contribute to us winning a natty . The bloodline is there even though none of the Mannings achieved that in college.
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