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About Jarveaux

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All-American (7/9)

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  1. One school conservative & other Liberal.
  2. Grew up in The Cove now a community of Orange . Went to Bridge City ( The town Steve Worster made famous). Most of my money went to University of Texas . 77 years old love OTF even though I don’t always agree with their player grades . Bobby Burton & his crew are the best !🤘
  3. I totally agree , 🙏
  4. I disagree
  5. It was a real pleasure to see the interview with Sam . I would have loved him to have 3 years with Sark as his head coach.
  6. Ok , I was under the impression that he went into the transfer portal on his on . I was not aware he was dismissed from the team . It’s obvious he needs guidance. I hope he is able to overcome his downward spiral.
  7. It would be great if Sark could speak with him & get him back on track . A 5 star with all that talent. He needs to find a school where he can start . He’s not thinking straight now . He definitely needs some guidance.
  8. That would be amazing to say the least!
  9. Jaxson’s last regular game his last 3 passes were interceptions.
  10. You probably would have said Tom Brady would be a back up . Give the young man his due .
  11. My thinking is Quinn will show well in NFL Combine, He should be healthy . Let’s just see . I believe in his abilities.
  12. Wouldn’t it be ironic that he would go to New Orleans.
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