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  1. Jeff, I am elated that you are here! The worst part of giving up my 24/7 sub was not being able to read your stuff. I am looking forward to once again being able to read "your stuff". I think you are an excellent writer.
  2. Greathouse needs to come home just like Mukuba did.
  3. Not a Chip fan. He caused me to leave orangebloods. I also left 24/7 and Scout because of him. (I'm now back at OB, since he left)
  4. I'm with you. My first thought about the game is IDGAS.
  5. Jeff's a good dude and a good writer. The worst part of giving up my 24/7 sub was not being able to read his stuff. Chip, on the other hand, is insufferable. If he ever becomes a "free agent", please don't hire him.
  6. With the hype the way it is, it seems like he could declare for the draft and be selected 1st in the 1st round THIS YEAR. SMH.
  7. Thanks. It looks like it is but I wasn't sure if it was just the roof that was closed.
  8. I know it has a retractable roof but is it enclosed and climate controlled? I have never been there and don't know.
  9. I keep hoping Ryan Williams wants to catch passes from Manning.
  10. Terrible president but an exceptional human being. A very good man.
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