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  1. It still seems high. Does Kentucky have significant injuries?
  2. Coffee and Football: Friday 11/12 Today is the 12th?
  3. Total Knob Polisher Alert! Go phuck yourself.
  4. Without that distinction, the "Hi" is nothing more than worthless clickbait.
  5. I must be missing something. I have NEVER noticed anyone hating on Taffe.
  6. Hope I'm wrong. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cook go into the portal.
  7. I have little faith in our ability to push the ball downfield with Quinn running the offense. That's incredible when you consider the team has elite speed in the receiver room.
  8. I see it the same way Nancy. It goes even further with me. A lot of coaches, like Mike Leach and Art Briles, run spread offenses that like to spread you out horizontally. Wide splits by the O-Lineman and receivers lined up almost at the sidelines. Sark's offense is predicated on spreading you out vertically. Both approaches try to create a light box. If Quinn can't push the ball downfield, it kindof defeats the purpose of Sark's desired approach. Dinking and dunking from a lineup of tightly aligned O-Lineman is not going to create a light box. The running lanes are going to get jammed up. So who pushes the ball downfield better, Quinn or Arch? I think the answer is obvious.
  9. You are making too much sense for a member of the pom pom squad.
  10. The "Hi" post here is as worthwhile as the "First" post on Orangebloods. Completely meaningless.
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